sofla free agency thread

Cardinal Newman could be a rapidly improving private school with Jack Daniels as the HC there now. He was offered the job a few years ago and they weren't giving him what he wanted and I know now they caved to his demands(not sure what they were). Could be getting a lot of the Oxbridge/Dwyer/Lakes kids if they choose private school.

Their offense went from backs like Gio Bernard and James White to guys who weren’t really D1 players and they haven’t had a good QB in 6-7 years. Add to that poor playcalling and they don’t maximize their talent. Hankerson is the first top back they’ve had in years. They have no confidence in their QB so they play Big10 football from the 70s. They can do this because they usually have great OL.
STA offense reminds me of Miami under Coker or Alabama the first half of Saban’s tenure. They don’t do anything particularly creative because they can just out talent everyone. Conservative, ground based attacks that maximize your huge advantage on the line.
I've actually had kids light-it-up their Sophomore or Junior year, then transfer to STA and have miserable numbers. Two kids immediately come to mind - Elijah Moore and Wade Freebeck.

Good old "pro style bro!"

How do you steal a kid who had 88 catches for 1200 yards, get him to your school and make absolutely no effort to feed him the ball as much as you possibly can. That kid has been at THREE schools during his life...Western, STA and Ole Miss. He's looked elite at TWO of those schools. LOL
Their offense went from backs like Gio Bernard and James White to guys who weren’t really D1 players and they haven’t had a good QB in 6-7 years. Add to that poor playcalling and they don’t maximize their talent. Hankerson is the first top back they’ve had in years. They have no confidence in their QB so they play Big10 football from the 70s. They can do this because they usually have great OL.
I dont know about that...Here are some of their recent rbs:

*Whats crazy is all 3 were in the same **** class. They had 3 div 1 rbs for class of 2016




I think its poor playcalling. Look at that list of guys at rb. They typically have the best coached ol in the state year in and year out as well. I agree they have no confidence in their qb which is why ilaughed when folks wanted him as a prospect here.
I've actually had kids light-it-up their Sophomore or Junior year, then transfer to STA and have miserable numbers. Two kids immediately come to mind - Elijah Moore and Wade Freebeck.

Good old "pro style bro!"

How do you steal a kid who had 88 catches for 1200 yards, get him to your school and make absolutely no effort to feed him the ball as much as you possibly can. That kid has been at THREE schools during his life...Western, STA and Ole Miss. He's looked elite at TWO of those schools. LOL
Didn't CIS fan favorite Sam Bruce's numbers go into the tank when he transferred to STA?
Their offense went from backs like Gio Bernard and James White to guys who weren’t really D1 players and they haven’t had a good QB in 6-7 years. Add to that poor playcalling and they don’t maximize their talent. Hankerson is the first top back they’ve had in years. They have no confidence in their QB so they play Big10 football from the 70s. They can do this because they usually have great OL.
Which is pretty bizarre considering Harriot had a spread offense at Uschool. I believe the current OC/OC's is a Smith guy hence why they're still prostyle.
I'm just gonna keep it real...

A lot of these schools aren't just bad because their talent is getting raided. They're also coached terribly.
Most of them have enough talent to at least be respectable on the field.

When I coach against some of these neighborhood schools I never walk away thinking "Man, if they just had more talent they could be good."
I usually say "That **** was a complete dumpster fire!"
(there's been a few exceptions to that, but they're not the hood schools that's for sure)

I don't even chart tendencies when we play most of these neighborhood schools because the coaching is so junkyard that they literally HAVE NO TENDENCIES. They're completely unpredictable. Freakin' Ely was a spread team in every tape that I scouted, and versus us they came-out in the Doube-Wing and ran dive, dive, toss. SMH
They finished the game with 0 first downs, 0 pass completions and -13 yards of offense.

They had enough talent to at least gain positive yards on offense. LOL
I'm a decent DC with some good players, but we ain't THAT good!

Many of these programs don't even have a chance. They'll never be good until they make the right hire.
Yall see the turn-around at Dillard.
They got the right guys in the building.
As a referee in Broward it’s tough as working some of these games. Like you said Ely should be so much better and they didn’t know what the heck they were doing out there. I wonder what Ely’s enrollment is? I think one of the biggest things for Dillard was their switch to a 6-12 school. Since then they’ve been able to build more of a community around the school and keep those kids from grades 6-12 and avoid the annual STA poach. If Ely could go to 6-12, I think that would help them build their community around the program.
Which is pretty bizarre considering Harriot had a spread offense at Uschool. I believe the current OC/OC's is a Smith guy hence why they're still prostyle.
They're actually very multiple.
They run 10 personnel, 11 personnel, 12 personnel, 20 personnel, etc.
We saw everything last time we played them. (mostly 11 personnel though)

They're one of the few schools that has a COMPLETE roster. They have real TE's, fullbacks, they can be very multiple.

This has to be part of the reason STA kids do well in college football. They spend their time at STA watching studs from everywhere transfer in and try to take the jobs they were hoping to fill. The competition has to be like it is in college. They have 100 kids on the roster and 60 of them can play.
Hallandale getting jumped

The big dogs realize they can grab the kids that werent Hallandale's to begin both kids were spring Hallandale transfers anyway.

Central has a national game and i figured they would gear up since i didnt believe they were national ready talent wise.
Word to Eddie Jackson lol.

Ninja was at BA doing nothing until they likely fixed his grades so he can play his sr year...nd he ends up at to the NFL.
I coached at Coral Glades for a year. When we played BA he returned a kick off and as he was running to beat the kicker he was tossing the ball back and forth behind his back. Funniest **** I've ever seen.
Oh yea AH certainly gets em.

Them pulling Brandon Innis and Fleming is HUGE as well.

Because those 2 could easily be at they both are from that area.

STA is just unique...they hoard a sh*t ton of talent the win obviously...but there offense NEVER impresses me and always leaves alot to be desired. Cant even put my hand on it.
Against Gibbons, they had the worst offense I've ever seen. Same plays over and over. I was waiting for them to fake the quick screen and throw over the top. it never came. I rooted for Gibbons (my Godson goes there) but I remember actually being ****ed about STA offense being so inept
STA ha so much pull that they’ve helped kids from OTHER schools get schollies. The guy who runs Premier Athletes of South Florida said that Coach Smith got him a schollie when his own coach couldn’t.

agree on the work requirement for Heritage and that being a negative for them. They’ve had some real high end talent over the last 10 years though. I also agree that they have some of their “22 players” slip through the cracks.
I agree on AH and the work requirement. I know for a fact that TC woulda been at STA or a Dade school if his pops wasn't already retired. That's with Rumph out there & all. My cuz used to say it was a pain in the *** but he stuck it out for his kid...
SIAP, but what's the work requirement at American Heritage? I've seen some brief things on here about it and it has me curious, if it can be said in the public space.

Also, American lost its leading WR from last season to Goleman. Bet you never thought you'd see that sentence written lol