So, tell me about Princeton

Davon Reed is awful. Sheldon blocks a shot and has a head of steam coming down the middle of the floor. Davon looks him off, pulls up in transition, and shoots an awful step back three with no one under the rim.
Closing this out at the line is big. Sink those freebies fellas.

12 point win for the good guys
****, I came here for score updates since I can't watch the game. All I'm reading about is how much our players suck. Did we win the game?
****, I came here for score updates since I can't watch the game. All I'm reading about is how much our players suck. Did we win the game?
Get "Scores" APP on you phone keeps you up to a few seconds on all the games.

If he's anything like me, I'm always either DVR'ing a game or don't want to see the scores on every game going. I like checking for the score when I can't watch the game on here because I can start at the beginning of the thread and move through it. Helps me feel like I get a sense of the game that way.

The scores app really isn't a great resource for me for those reasons.