So, According To The…

Tessitore starts creaming his pants when teams score on Miami. It's embarrassing listening to him.
Unfortunately, most these guys are clowns trying to separate themselves from other clowns. So many games are being televised and talent pool can't keep up. Often best just turning off or lowering audio volume.
Tessitore fake creams his pants no matter what happens. He’s just a hack
This is what I keep telling people; he’s a wrestling announcer for a reason. He’s there to sell. I actually find him entertaining, and he’s been on the fall for our two biggest wins this season.
It’s honestly a bad time for commentary… I use to think Joe buck, cris collinsworth, and Beth mowins were bad but those names you listed have really upped the level of awful
Don't forget about Gus Johnson. I don't watch the games on fox because of him.