Sneeking booze into a game

For Bears' games they pat you down before entering. I am guessing it will be the same on Sat. They have bars that sell hard drinks, but not sure if they are limited to the club sections or not.
They pat you down at sun life as well. Nobody pats your nuts though. And if they do, it ain't because they're hoping to find some liquor or a weapon.

Heavy-duty ziplock bag drooped over your grow-oinz, tight belt, untucked shirt = fifth of likker in the game as easy as you please.


Perfected this techique at Ole Miss. They were friggin hawks with the screening for booze. To no avail.
Another reason why the OB was the GOAT, they never gave a **** what you brought in. I'd always strap a traveler of Jack in my belt, and just buy a coke.