Sinorice Moss Jr

First of all , we old as **** 😭 now that’s out of the way , another Cane legacy on the way , is he any good ? Assuming he doesn’t have a 247 profile yet . Don’t we have a coach from Western on here ?

That is impressive for his size but I would have him sit hold for a (2) count then explode up.

This will increase his explosion off the line like you wouldn’t believe.

I feel yell HOLD thousand one thousand two explode UP.

Drop that weight to 300 and do (3) sets of 5 reps with a 2 count.

I’ll take it nice video BUT he’ll hit a wall soon and will need drop like I said then increase.

My best bench squat in my day was 550 3 sets of 3 than 2 sets of 2 605 .

My goal was an 810 single regulation 3 judges squat at body weight (242) to qualify for Wide World of sports competition failed on 2 attempts.


Yup. People didn't really know schit about nutrition back then. People thought eating a bologna and mayonaise with white bread sandwich was healthy lol. But also, IDK if it applies to your parents specifically, but back then it was much harder to get food stamps, so a lot of people ate much smaller portions in those days(thats what happened with my parents) so they didn't grow to nearly their full potential. Same thing happened to me as a kid too,but I at least ate more than they did as kids, thanks to food stamps. I grew to be 6'1 though, so most likely my kids will grow even taller since they can eat as much as they want.

Same though in HS I was one of the taller kids, not the tallest, but in the top 10% at least. Now I wouldn't be close to that.
Many claim its all the steroids in food having an even larger impact than nutrition.
Sht that’s all that matters bro . Way too many women in this world to be trippin over **** like that lol . I’ve still been told by some women that I’m shorter than they prefer lol
You just tell ‘em, “What do you care, you’ll be facing the sheets anyways…”
Many claim its all the steroids in food having an even larger impact than nutrition.
I haven't looked into that theory much, and that certainly can be the case. I just am speaking for a lot of people in big cities or 1st generation kids from parents from poor regions. When you end up not eating for a few days of the month, your body doesn't grow to its full potential. Now that even poor kids are most likely only going hungry for a few days out of the year. They are growing much closer to max potential.
I know Sinorice is short but I swear almost all the legacy kids be coming out of high school short as **** inheriting their mommas height. Lol

He's real short - he's not even close to parallel when his but hits the bench, making that squat a little easier than what it actually should be.
mob streets GIF
Its called a box squat and yes its a good workout. Its used to get through sticking points, or to build explosive strength out of the hole, or to overload the lift, or to train a particular range of motion.
I haven’t don’t a box squat since hs when I played but not the best form from what I remember you’re just supposed to braze the box/bench and then jump (explode) back up. But I agree great for explosiveness
I haven’t don’t a box squat since hs when I played but not the best form from what I remember you’re just supposed to braze the box/bench and then jump (explode) back up. But I agree great for explosiveness
It depends on what you are going for. You could just graze the bench that is an option. But if you actually want to build maximum explosiveness. You are supposed to sit on the bench and get rid of all momentum. That makes it so you are building pure explosive strength for that range of motion.
It depends on what you are going for. You could just graze the bench that is an option. But if you actually want to build maximum explosiveness. You are supposed to sit on the bench and get rid of all momentum. That makes it so you are building pure explosive strength for that range of motion.
Probably why my hs team sucked lol but makes sense.
Probably why my hs team sucked lol but makes sense.
There is nothing really wrong with doing them that way. Its a good way to ensure the players are reaching a specific depth. Which may be the reason your coach had them doing box squats. To keep kids away from doing the traditional 2 inch squat with 600lbs on the bar lol.

but to get the full benefit of a box squat, you want to squat down, pause, get rid of the stretch reflex then explode up. You do less weight that way, since you don't get the benefit of the stretch reflex.
There is nothing really wrong with doing them that way. Its a good way to ensure the players are reaching a specific depth. Which may be the reason your coach had them doing box squats. To keep kids away from doing the traditional 2 inch squat with 600lbs on the bar lol.

but to get the full benefit of a box squat, you want to squat down, pause, get rid of the stretch reflex then explode up. You do less weight that way, since you don't get the benefit of the stretch reflex.
Yeah I really liked the exercise, thought it really helped with my form for parallel squat and overall explosiveness. We used to be on old BFS regiment. I always liked to try and beat the computer but I also came in as a scrawny freshman (less than 100 LBs) with a lot to prove.

When I first got into the weight room my bench was 65 LBs, got up to 215 as a senior but could only get my actual weight up to 155/160.
Yeah I really liked the exercise, thought it really helped with my form for parallel squat and overall explosiveness. We used to be on old BFS regiment. I always liked to try and beat the computer but I also came in as a scrawny freshman (less than 100 LBs) with a lot to prove.

When I first got into the weight room my bench was 65 LBs, got up to 215 as a senior but could only get my actual weight up to 155/160.
Oh ya BFS was huge in HS across the US back in the mid to late 2000s. They are big on box squats. Funnily enough, the book actually has you pausing. So your coach must have thought he new better lol.

That is awesome though. 215 in HS at 155 is a solid weight and great, considering where you started out at. But ya bro, gaining weight is all about how much you eat. Those old school BFS type routines, used to have kids crushing PBnJ sandwiches with milk inbetween your real meals lol.

Squats in general absolutely help explosiveness. and even just grazing them. does take some of the stretch reflex away. SO you did build a lot of explosiveness from them.
Oh ya BFS was huge in HS across the US back in the mid to late 2000s. They are big on box squats. Funnily enough, the book actually has you pausing. So your coach must have thought he new better lol.

That is awesome though. 215 in HS at 155 is a solid weight and great, considering where you started out at. But ya bro, gaining weight is all about how much you eat. Those old school BFS type routines, used to have kids crushing PBnJ sandwiches with milk inbetween your real meals lol.

Squats in general absolutely help explosiveness. and even just grazing them. does take some of the stretch reflex away. SO you did build a lot of explosiveness from them.
See that was my issue, allergic to dairy products. Had to take soy protein, it was before all these different plant proteins were around.

But you were right, was in hs 05-08. Dream was always to play for miami but got to live up half the dream and just attend. I’ll take it haha.
See that was my issue, allergic to dairy products. Had to take soy protein, it was before all these different plant proteins were around.

But you were right, was in hs 05-08. Dream was always to play for miami but got to live up half the dream and just attend. I’ll take it haha.

Oh ya that is tough lol. Gaining weight with no dairy is hard. To bad no one told you about peanut butter though haha. Just munch on that in between meals and you would have been packing on the pounds.

But ya, atleast you got to enjoy your 4 years at the U, even if you couldn't play football haha.