SIAP, Sony Michel ''news'' from a Noles board

Considering we get a 3 year bowl ban and some loss of schollies for example, shouldn't affect Sony that much anyways.

1. His freshman year would hypothetically be our last ban, which Duke and Collins will headline anyways..
2. He will get his schollie anyways.

Everything I've heard on this kid is that he loves the Canes and I'd be surprised if he ended up anywhere else. Please enlighten me on the wealth of FSU running backs in the League right now with their pro offense experience? They're best representative has converted to a FB in JAC. Meanwhile, Lamar is knocking on Reggie Bush's back up door, McGahee is still the man in Denver, Gore is still the best in the Bay Area and Terry Rich's product is the starting back for the Colts. Everyone knows that the State of Florida delivers running backs to the NFL from the station in Coral Gables.

I'm sorry but that's just funny

Reliable poster/poster connected to reliable source/any variation of same from Warchant is an inherent contradiction.