First thought: who?

After reading a little bit about him and seeing what others had to say about him on here, I like the hire.
Two other things in play here. Stacy Searels had to give a strong recommendation since Searles is also an Auburn grad and was a GA there in 92 and 93. Richt has to know this guy very well as he recruited the school and Simpson was manufacturing championship after championship.
For everyone hyping the NFL teaching pedigree because Simpson spent a season with the Falcons, please slow down.

This guy is an NFL assistant DL coach, too ...
Questioning the hire doesn't mean Simpson will be a failure ... Just like praising it won't make him a success.

But anyway you slice it, this ain't a obvious slam dunk.

Kirby Smart just replaced his DL coach last year ... And Simpson was available. He hired Tray Scott.

Jeremy Pruitt hired Tracey Rocker to coach his DL at Tennesee ... And Simpson was available.

Nick Saban could have had Simpson, but chose the guy we already had doing the job.

What does CMR see that nobody else, other than Shawn Elliott, saw??

Being cautiously optimistic about Simpson is a reasonable position to take.

Thinking this is some coup hire is being overly optimistic, IMO.

Or maybe an Auburn guy would rather be waterboarded than coach at Georgia, Tennessee or Alabama.
You guys still haven't learned your lesson have you? Rumph was hired and you trashed him. He has turned out to be a good coach even though he is a horrible recruiter. Banda has turned out to be a good coach and good recruiter and his hire was trashed.

How about we give the guy a chance before we call him a bum hire? If he can recruit his a$$ off and just be a good coach we will be more then good to go AND it will be a homerun hire because while Kool was a great coach he was probably the worst recruiter we have had here ever right up there with Mark Dnofrio.
Lol.....Rump has turned out to be a good hire? Twilight zone
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Maybe ...

Might want to check with Tracey Rocker, though. :2h3mpi1:

Probably because Rocker is more Israelite than War Eagle. That dude's on the move every 3 years. A good bumper sticker would be "Honk your horn if Tracy Rocker coached your program's defensive line."
If we were going to hire a guy with no recruiting experience, we should have just kept coach
Kool. I mean kool didn't like going on the recruting trail but at least he was a big name and like I mentioned, one of the best in the business.

It might turn out to be a good hire, but seems small right now. Not the splash I was hoping for that would get the 2019 kids exited.
lol i guess you don't like hearing the truth. everyone here has been making it seem like he was THE DL coach.
I'm pointing out he wasnt. guess you don't like the truth. And the truth is this wasn't as great as people have been initially making it out to be. as if Simpson was THE guy at DL on the Falcons.

Like I said, I hope this will be a good hire, and I like it better than the Patke hire, but i don't think this is an out of the park hire or anything.

The truth, as I see it, is I don’t think a single person here thought he was THE Falcons DLine coach. I’m sure everyone understood he was a defensive assistant assigned to coach and assist the DLine and that’s where he spent most, though not all, of his time. I’m pretty sure most people that spent more than 30 seconds reading up on him knew this.

But you keep beating on that dead horse, it seems to be something you’re perfecting into an art form.
I like how you created something that isn't true. You can easily check my post history. It is kind of sad that you stalk me and can't get it right but I am honored to have a fan.

Side note: How does the post your responded to connect to your false fantasy above?

Just curious since I have NO info, what are you basing this on?

Having watched Buford football for the whole time Simpson was there can guarantee you he has “recruited” more players to that HS than some college coaches have to college. My avatar is a picture of Richt standing on Buford’s football stadium field which is a better facility than some small colleges. The kid on the right will be playing D-1 football.
Canes getting a fundamentally sound fb coach that will get recruits Kul would dream about.
The reality is there's just a lot of unknown with the guy, which spooks people.

At first blush, I was ready to hate the hire. But, you learn more about him and you see what you hope it could be and it becomes really interesting.

For some perspective -- Let's say the Falcons DL coach moved on to be a DC elsewhere in the NFL, would it be a schocker to see the Falcons promote the assistant DL coach that they have all spoken highly of to DL coach? I don't think so. Stuff like that happens all the time in the NFL.

Sometimes it's a great success and sometimes it's not. But, this guy wasn't just scooped up off the trash heap
Whoever who has been recruiting on defense at all levels have not been good period. Funny you say this since we brought in the most blue chip prospects at that spot out of any position on the team the last 2 cycles

As has been pointed out many times, it's hard to NOT get talented CBs given our location.
In all seriousness… Very comparable resume to his… Chad Morris. The current head coach at Arkansas. He had a similar win percentage as a high school head coach… Went on to be an offensive coordinator At Tulsa for one year then on to Clemson for a few years. Followed by a brief stint as a HC at SMU.. now he’s a head coach in the SEC.

People were actually calling for him to get the head coaching job at Georgia State and even had his name thrown around as a replacement at Georgia Tech. The dude made bank to coach high school football… So much money that it would be impossible For him to get in on a staff at a small school. I highly doubt we are the first D1 school to come calling we’re just the first to make it work
Anything Rick does on D has to be cleared by Manny. As a result I am not that optimistic about Rick making the right hire.
100% false. You guys that are constantly hating on Manny & try to push all blame on him for everything are seriously some clowns.

If you wanna be mad at Diaz for some failures on Defense by all means do that, but when you talk about hiring coaches the buck starts & stops with Richt on both sides of the ball. Even the Banda & Patke hires, doesn't matter how much Diaz can bang on a table for a guy, if Richt don't want'em he not coaching here.

Richt runs this show, he doesn't answer to anybody especially when it comes to hiring coaches.
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