SIAP. FACEBOOK has FSU Qb punching girl in the face

A friend of mine at the bar, TIFWIW, lol said that dude slid up and put his junk on ol girls ***. She allegedly turned and told him to get the **** off her ***. That's when the argument ensued. Again, TIFWIW, my friend had been drinking. But it explains why she just turns and goes ape s--- on him. IDK.
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I spit in some old lady's face the other day in Publix. She started swinging on me, and caught me with a nice left hook on the button, but she broke her osteoporotic hamate bone in the process.
A friend of mine at the bar, TIFWIW, lol said that dude slid up and put his junk on ol girls ***. She allegedly turned and told him to get the **** off her ***. That's when the argument ensued. Again, TIFWIW, my friend had been drinking. But it explains why she just turns and goes ape s--- on him. IDK.


Now see KANE, you straight up lying here coz FWIW, no friend told you that since dude NEVER has his front to the blonde girl.

But his upper back right shoulder area side (and maybe right hip) brushed then pushed against the blonde as they were both jockeying toward the bar. But Blondie got there first and settled in her position. Johnson bullied the black girl out of the way @ .05-.06 and just figured he'd bully Blondie too. Johnson stuck his right hand under the bar and grabbed that bar to establish a position his late-getting-there body couldn't. Blondie wanted Johnson body off her body and clearly didn't accept the unwelcome contact; she had a right to reject that contact as she demanded assertively. But Jonson would have none of Blondie standing up for Blondie contact integrity reasoning he's a prima donna entitled stud baller and people are just supposed to yield to entitled baller, bltches and dudes alike, white or black "I don't give a F*, move out of my way."

This is clearly dumb shlt on his part, extremely immature of him to think that a person can't rightfully defend against unwelcome body contact. The girl raising her fist was clearly in self defense for him to stop the contact against her body. You could see fear @ 18-19 clearly on her face, if not pain at Johnson grabbing and neutralizing her wrist/hand, and at that moment she felt helplessness along with aforementioned fear. The raising of her knee was a defensive posture to being handled and losing the use of an arm. Finally her lame right slap was because Johnson took control of her dominant right hand, and perhaps hurting her. Unfortunately, he initiated contact on two separate occasions; 1.) the brushing and pushing against her back, and 2.) the grab and hold of her wrist/hand. So yes, he phucked himself...
Now sure how she was at fault at all. She was there first, he came up and initiated the altercation.

You people are as blind as a dorito at halftime.
Like I said , if u can read, I was TOLD THIS BY A DRUNK FRIEND THAT WAS AT THE place in question!!! I don't kno. I was NOT THERE! I even put a disclaimer (TIFWIW), to judge for yourself. I'm not lying. Have no freaking reason to lie. He said he was there. I believe him. Maybe he didn't see what he thought he saw. It happens. The bigger issue was that the guy had no reason to put his hands on her. A straight up punk move to punch a female.
I don't condone hitting a chick but once a lady punches a dude all bets are off. She has just put herself in a mans position. Keep your hands to yourself.
Am I missing something here, she clearly threw the first punch. All he has to do is claim self defense and he'll probably get off all charges

If you think it's okay to hit girls, there's probably a dojo nearby where some 17 year old would be happy to kick you upside the head.
I like how everyone took Nigel Patton's side when the black chick squared up with him, and he punched her out. White chick punches this dude for no reason. He responds. Everyone is talking a different game than they did with Patton. What gives?

I come from the school of I'll punch anyone if they punch me. I punched a 90 year old woman in the hip because she swung on me in line at Publix. Smashed that osteoporotic ****** hip to dust like stomping on an aspirin. I'd punch a baby in the soft spot if he wanted some.


I can tell you this that girl is lucky it wasn't worse since DeAndre Johnson didn't have some ride or die groupie chicks with him. I can tell you for a fact Little Princess would have gotten fire smacked out her *** much worse by some FAMU chicks or cleat chasers for laying hands on their potential meal ticket.

Go Canes
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Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//
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Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//

Exactly how it played out, they both learned important life lessons that night.
Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//

Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//

Exactly how it played out, they both learned important life lessons that night.

Yup exactly not condoning it. Chick night was ruined and she got that head buss...but you lost your football schollie and college dream at school if your choice for some blonde being messy.
Am I missing something here, she clearly threw the first punch. All he has to do is claim self defense and he'll probably get off all charges

If you think it's okay to hit girls, there's probably a dojo nearby where some 17 year old would be happy to kick you upside the head.

Have you ever been in a bar before? I never said I agree with knocking a girl out. The dude was trying too get to an open spot in a crowded bar and the chick was having none of it. If a dude/chick ***** her arm back ready to swing I would guarantee 99% of people would have reacted the way he did. Stop white Knighting these chicks as if they can never be in the wrong. Your just adding fuel to the fire of giving them zero accountability for any of there actions. If he was the first one to throw a punch, I would 100% say he was in the wrong. But the fact is she threw the first punch **** well thinking there was no way he would retaliate. Looks like her plan backfired but naturally any time a man hits a woman, justified or not, all **** breaks loose.
Look Jimbo gets whatever he wants in Trailerhasse and Jimbo is still mad his pretty little blonde wifey was getting straight pound town by some young buck combined with his years of frustration from dealing with Winston an he simply transferred that rage onto Johnson an cut him loose.

This punch is nothing compared to Winston raping a chick, of which there were witnesses and video's of the incident. So Johnson being dismissed from FSU is him taking one for Jimbo's sanity.

Go Canes
Am I missing something here, she clearly threw the first punch. All he has to do is claim self defense and he'll probably get off all charges

If you think it's okay to hit girls, there's probably a dojo nearby where some 17 year old would be happy to kick you upside the head.

Have you ever been in a bar before? I never said I agree with knocking a girl out. The dude was trying too get to an open spot in a crowded bar and the chick was having none of it. If a dude/chick ****s her arm back ready to swing I would guarantee 99% of people would have reacted the way he did. Stop white Knighting these chicks as if they can never be in the wrong. Your just adding fuel to the fire of giving them zero accountability for any of there actions. If he was the first one to throw a punch, I would 100% say he was in the wrong. But the fact is she threw the first punch **** well thinking there was no way he would retaliate. Looks like her plan backfired but naturally any time a man hits a woman, justified or not, all **** breaks loose.

D.J. thought it was time to Whoop that Trick!

Look Jimbo gets whatever he wants in Trailerhasse and Jimbo is still mad his pretty little blonde wifey was getting straight pound town by some young buck combined with his years of frustration from dealing with Winston an he simply transferred that rage onto Johnson an cut him loose.

This punch is nothing compared to Winston raping a chick, of which there were witnesses and video's of the incident. So Johnson being dismissed from FSU is him taking one for Jimbo's sanity.

Go Canes

i think it's more of the school saving face. jimbo would allow anyone to stay if it meant having a better football team
And you are missing something. He put his hands on her and still had his hand on her before she took a girl-swipe at him. Then. He guy-punched her.

Guys shouldn't hit girls particularly the way he hit her. It's unmanly. No class. Weak.