shoutout to the wr room

That’s not what I think happened

Dawson has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wants the TEs involved

This isn’t even worth discussing at this point
I would be curious for the film gurus to break down how they used him yesterday and my guess is he was a decoy most of the time. I don’t hate it. Keep the attention away for when he’s needed.
Its astonishing Arroyo doesn't even get the ball thrown to him. I get the offense is loaded and there is only 1 football but its pretty criminal that the OC isn't making a point to draw stuff up for 8.
Cam is taking what's there. He isn't keying on anyone. So one game it may be Brown with big numbers, another it may be Arroyo, and so on. That's exactly how it should be when you have weapons everywhere. No need to force it to anyone, just throw to the guy beating his defender at the time