Shooting at FSU

But schools are gun-free zones, so there couldn't be a shooting.....................

OK sorry for this rant about gun controls.

Yup, that's exactly what we need--a lot more 18-20 year old jackasses on college campuses legally wielding guns. That'd surely decrease gun violence.

Went over your head did it?

Not really...I'm thinking that my reply must've gone over yours.

Still don't see the irony? Gun free zone, get it? Believe what you like, but I made no comment about college students legally wielding guns, or the results of that.

Anyway the posters that say it's no joking matter are right. My sense of humor and irony was an inappropriate response. Sorry.

But schools are gun-free zones, so there couldn't be a shooting.....................

OK sorry for this rant about gun controls.

Yup, that's exactly what we need--a lot more 18-20 year old jackasses on college campuses legally wielding guns. That'd surely decrease gun violence.

Went over your head did it?

Not really...I'm thinking that my reply must've gone over yours.

Still don't see the irony? Gun free zone, get it? Believe what you like, but I made no comment about college students legally wielding guns, or the results of that.

Anyway the posters that say it's no joking matter are right. My sense of humor and irony was an inappropriate response. Sorry.

I get the irony of a shooting in a gun-free zone; it's not too funny, IMO. But the poster I responded to let it be known that he was making a statement about "gun controls" I responded in kind.
Yup, that's exactly what we need--a lot more 18-20 year old jackasses on college campuses legally wielding guns. That'd surely decrease gun violence.

Went over your head did it?

Not really...I'm thinking that my reply must've gone over yours.

Still don't see the irony? Gun free zone, get it? Believe what you like, but I made no comment about college students legally wielding guns, or the results of that.

Anyway the posters that say it's no joking matter are right. My sense of humor and irony was an inappropriate response. Sorry.

I get the irony of a shooting in a gun-free zone; it's not too funny, IMO. But the poster I responded to let it be known that he was making a statement about "gun controls" I responded in kind.

The irony is gun control doesn't work. I was a college student who had guns and I never had a problem with them??? In fact, I had a burglar break in my apartment when I was a college student and if it wasn't for me having a shotgun there's no telling what may have happened to me or my girlfriend at the time.

I'll give up my guns and ammo round by round. Now who wants the job of coming to confiscate "steal ones personal property" my guns?
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Dude, I don't want to deny you your right to own a gun, and to keep it in your apartment. I do want to keep you from bringing that gun onto school grounds, regardless of whether you own it legally or not. School grounds are not the place for guns.
Went over your head did it?

Not really...I'm thinking that my reply must've gone over yours.

Still don't see the irony? Gun free zone, get it? Believe what you like, but I made no comment about college students legally wielding guns, or the results of that.

Anyway the posters that say it's no joking matter are right. My sense of humor and irony was an inappropriate response. Sorry.

I get the irony of a shooting in a gun-free zone; it's not too funny, IMO. But the poster I responded to let it be known that he was making a statement about "gun controls" I responded in kind.

The irony is gun control doesn't work. I was a college student who had guns and I never had a problem with them??? In fact, I had a burglar break in my apartment when I was a college student and if it wasn't for me having a shotgun there's no telling what may have happened to me or my girlfriend at the time.

I'll give up my guns and ammo round by round. Now who wants the job of coming to confiscate "steal ones personal property" my guns?

Not really...I'm thinking that my reply must've gone over yours.

Still don't see the irony? Gun free zone, get it? Believe what you like, but I made no comment about college students legally wielding guns, or the results of that.

Anyway the posters that say it's no joking matter are right. My sense of humor and irony was an inappropriate response. Sorry.

I get the irony of a shooting in a gun-free zone; it's not too funny, IMO. But the poster I responded to let it be known that he was making a statement about "gun controls" I responded in kind.

The irony is gun control doesn't work. I was a college student who had guns and I never had a problem with them??? In fact, I had a burglar break in my apartment when I was a college student and if it wasn't for me having a shotgun there's no telling what may have happened to me or my girlfriend at the time.

I'll give up my guns and ammo round by round. Now who wants the job of coming to confiscate "steal ones personal property" my guns?


Not really...I'm thinking that my reply must've gone over yours.

Still don't see the irony? Gun free zone, get it? Believe what you like, but I made no comment about college students legally wielding guns, or the results of that.

Anyway the posters that say it's no joking matter are right. My sense of humor and irony was an inappropriate response. Sorry.

I get the irony of a shooting in a gun-free zone; it's not too funny, IMO. But the poster I responded to let it be known that he was making a statement about "gun controls" I responded in kind.

The irony is gun control doesn't work. I was a college student who had guns and I never had a problem with them??? In fact, I had a burglar break in my apartment when I was a college student and if it wasn't for me having a shotgun there's no telling what may have happened to me or my girlfriend at the time.

I'll give up my guns and ammo round by round. Now who wants the job of coming to confiscate "steal ones personal property" my guns?


Man that picture is scary. Even more offputting than a gun free zone sign to a determined nut with a rapid fire shotgun! Eeek, gadzooks, damned Mongolians, a sign, retreat, repent, retrench the assault, now I have to look for a different target, or take up a shooting position from across the street, oh the agony of revising the battle plan!!!
Why don't we just declare this a conflict free zone and everyone will then behave?

(With apologies to the guy who's big on swagger) Once again, sorry, it was inappropriate of me to respond in a way as to offend anyone, anyone at all.

I am now going to put myself in time out.
Dude, I don't want to deny you your right to own a gun, and to keep it in your apartment. I do want to keep you from bringing that gun onto school grounds, regardless of whether you own it legally or not. School grounds are not the place for guns.

Say these two start shooting an hit other students, but someone who is licensed and trained to carry had his on him killed both of them before anyone else could be hurt, still think guns are a bad idea? How's taking guns from honest people going to stop those who want to break the law from getting them. Ask Chicago how their laws are working out?
Dude, I don't want to deny you your right to own a gun, and to keep it in your apartment. I do want to keep you from bringing that gun onto school grounds, regardless of whether you own it legally or not. School grounds are not the place for guns.

Say these two start shooting an hit other students, but someone who is licensed and trained to carry had his on him killed both of them before anyone else could be hurt, still think guns are a bad idea? How's taking guns from honest people going to stop those who want to break the law from getting them. Ask Chicago how their laws are working out?

Yes, guns on campus are a bad idea.

The slight possibility that your situation comes to fruiting does not mitigate the much larger possibility that A) either that bystander also shoots and harms innocent people in crossfire, and B) that allowing guns on campus would raise the opportunity for other gun violence on campus.

Again, I'm not advocating taking guns away from you. You can keep your ****nal in your house, and you can use it on your own property or at a gun range or at your hunting camp. But there is not effing way that you can convince me that allowing students to have guns on campus is a good idea. That's simply insane.

Gun violence on college campuses happens very infrequently in relation to the general public. Look at this instance--they basically made a big deal about it because gun violence on FSU's campus is so freaking rare. But there sure is a higher rate of gun violence within the larger city of Tallahassee. So the fact that that gun violence rarely crosses onto campus is, in part, because guns are not allowed on campus.

If you put more guns on campus, you increase the chance that something can go wrong, that someone who's usually a level-headed and law-abiding kid gets a little too drunk one night and shoots someone because he's ****ed that his g/f is cheating on him with a guy in another dorm, or gets ****ed that his professor gave him a bad grade, or whatever. Not only do you increase the potential for purposeful actions using a gun, you also increase the potential for accidents involving a gun...accidental discharges when a guy is cleaning his piece in his dorm room, or accidental shootings when guys get to horsing around, or whatever. You also increase the chance that someone will steal that firearm; that a kid's roommate steals the gun, or that someone else who happens to be in the room for a party or whatever picks it up.

Basically, you introduce a LOT of possibilities for dangerous things to occur that don't normally exist without guns on campus.
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Not really...I'm thinking that my reply must've gone over yours.

Still don't see the irony? Gun free zone, get it? Believe what you like, but I made no comment about college students legally wielding guns, or the results of that.

Anyway the posters that say it's no joking matter are right. My sense of humor and irony was an inappropriate response. Sorry.

I get the irony of a shooting in a gun-free zone; it's not too funny, IMO. But the poster I responded to let it be known that he was making a statement about "gun controls" I responded in kind.

The irony is gun control doesn't work. I was a college student who had guns and I never had a problem with them??? In fact, I had a burglar break in my apartment when I was a college student and if it wasn't for me having a shotgun there's no telling what may have happened to me or my girlfriend at the time.

I'll give up my guns and ammo round by round. Now who wants the job of coming to confiscate "steal ones personal property" my guns?


That rug really ties the room together.
Newbold is a big time athlete an kid from the bahamas// kid is another one that would potentially be on our olympic(bahamas) teams coming he pulls this...just saw this kid the last time i went to freeport over the break.
Newbold is a big time athlete an kid from the bahamas// kid is another one that would potentially be on our olympic(bahamas) teams coming he pulls this...just saw this kid the last time i went to freeport over the break.

**** man. Love Freeport. Haven't been there since 98. ****.
This all proves that people, including students if you count them as people, shouldn't be allowed on campus. :(