Shemar Stewart

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Manny Fckng Diaz has put several defensive ends in the league while he was here.
Yes you heard that correctly. Including 2 first rounders.
No reason at all that Mario and whoever comes in can’t do that for him.

So maybe he likes tamu and jimbo and feels they can win there.
Good luck to him but he doesn’t need it cause he’s very talented
And a Tamu bag may get coach mo a nice whip.

But These players wanting to go to a HBCU is quite a risk imo.
The reason besides daily competition would be the difference in the nutrition as well the s and c program.

Travis hunter might want to hire a personal nutritionist and trainer. But it’s gonna cost him.
And if he was able to do that then it’s gonna be a huge problem cause what if his trainer isn’t eye to eye with his team s and c coach.
Does that mean he doesn’t work out with the team?
Is he gonna have his meals prepped and not eat at the school?

That might not be a big issue for a db. But for Shemar that is a huge problem.
The team and the coach have to be able to decide what is the best option for him? Is he going to be a pure edge rusher? Is he gonna be a hybrid 3 tech? Are they just gonna put weight on him like golden did chick?

What about calories and all the other things he needs. Supplements, pre workout post workout meals and shakes?
For a dude that size he would need the best programs in the country to maximize his potential.

Maybe Tamu has it and we don’t yet who knows.
But hbcu for Shemar’s would be a mistake imo regardless Of the bag.
Jimbo proved he can develop but he gets talented players like Saban so Shemar would do fine there. If he doesn't then he was over hyped plain and simple. If he flames out he was always going to flame out. If he's a stud he's a stud...we will find out.

All the people saying College football is heading for a bad place with the NIL, are you guys saying its in a good place? With Bama, UGA, Ohio St and previously Clemson the only teams entering the playoffs with the only realistic chances of winning it all. ND, Mich St, OU, Washington all got smoked. They had no chance, and thats with a 4 team playoff. Wait till its more teams. The stark contrast between teams is gonna be clear for everyone to see. This NIL stuff is good for the sport if you look past how you are viewing it for your own team. We laugh cuz its FSU, but that could be a great player denied to Bama, UGA or Ohio. College football is in a terrible place. Pretending that NIL is destroying something good is naive at best
It's not "free" - it's bartered for. Unless you believe that The University of X will happily keep "giving" scholarship athletes tuition, books, meals, etc. if they stopped going to classes, missed practices and never played in any games. You, perhaps, enjoy doing things similar to how they were done in the Bronze age. Maybe you have a sundial instead of a digital clock. You store your perishables in a pit underground and not in a refrigerator. You... But the rest of us in the 21st century are aware of these things called "salaries" - they've been around for millennia, actually. People get paid money for their work, and then can buy whatever they want with that money. Amazing concept.

And, since you are willing to concede that scholarship athletes are due some "compensation" - I'm just curious why you think that compensation should be capped (at a number well below market value, no less). To preserve the sanctity of amateurism? Buddy, that ship sailed a loooooong time ago.

Free or Bartered. Whatever word you'd like to use doesn't matter to me. Regardless, we agree the players are compensated and have been the whole time. It might not be to your or their satisfaction doesn't change that fact. The name of the game is College Football and governed very poorly and unequally by the NCAA. The idea was keeping the sanctity of amateurism while young men attended a major university on fully paid scholarship that they might not get otherwise via an academic scholarship. Also give them a platform to perform/audition for a Professional Contract in their sport or a degree to use to start a career in another profession. In addition, a governing body put in place to keep competition fair and equal between all universities. Unfortunately as you mentioned that ship has sailed and the sport is f*cked. If you believe the players should be compensated like salaried employees then let them start up a farm system, semi pro league, or go straight to the NFL. I'm pretty confident College Football would survive. Fans asses would still be in the seats on Saturdays. It would still be watched by millions because the School Names wouldn't change, the rivalries are still there, and the traditions would still be the same. Those are the reasons fans tune in or attend the games. Not a specific player.
All the people saying College football is heading for a bad place with the NIL, are you guys saying its in a good place? With Bama, UGA, Ohio St and previously Clemson the only teams entering the playoffs with the only realistic chances of winning it all. ND, Mich St, OU, Washington all got smoked. They had no chance, and thats with a 4 team playoff. Wait till its more teams. The stark contrast between teams is gonna be clear for everyone to see. This NIL stuff is good for the sport if you look past how you are viewing it for your own team. We laugh cuz its FSU, but that could be a great player denied to Bama, UGA or Ohio. College football is in a terrible place. Pretending that NIL is destroying something good is naive at best
Millionaire coaches out here complaining bout free agency lol
Probably depends on the business. My guess is that car dealership is in Ohio and they gave Ewers that deal because he was the hot shot OSU QB recruit. Now that he is at Texas there is no benefit to them. Now a national name like Barstool may not care as much.
I could see Barstool still caring. Like anything else - market opportunity. From a macro view, many see a kid in LA having much more market potential than a kid in Nebraska, simply based on location. That's probably true for most.

On the flipside, a potential trailblazer type story at JSU may garner a much larger audience for that individual kid and what he's doing than if he was just another 5* recruit in Athens, which is loaded with them....especially if he doesn't play Day 1. It depends on the company/brand, message, audience, product, etc.

It's like social media. Some get viewers bc they are REALLY good at what they do. Others get viewers bc they are trainwrecks that people enjoy laughing at, or offer something tailored to a niche market. The Island Boys immediately come to mind. I can't get those 2 fools out of my head after all the memes i've seen. Nobody would EVER pay them for talent in any market.......but here in the social media world, views=$$$.
The Nil deals have always been here. It's just legal now. Uncle Sam just wanted his cut.

Payouts are still happening illegally. Uncle Sam is still only getting a piece of public ones to play the game, make it even easier to hide the illegal ones when kids are driving around in nice cars or buying things for the Family.....and if the boosters utilize the non-profit angle, Uncle Sam will get an even smaller piece bc they'll use it as a tax write-off.
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Free or Bartered. Whatever word you'd like to use doesn't matter to me. Regardless, we agree the players are compensated and have been the whole time. It might not be to your or their satisfaction doesn't change that fact. The name of the game is College Football and governed very poorly and unequally by the NCAA. The idea was keeping the sanctity of amateurism while young men attended a major university on fully paid scholarship that they might not get otherwise via an academic scholarship. Also give them a platform to perform/audition for a Professional Contract in their sport or a degree to use to start a career in another profession. In addition, a governing body put in place to keep competition fair and equal between all universities. Unfortunately as you mentioned that ship has sailed and the sport is f*cked. If you believe the players should be compensated like salaried employees then let them start up a farm system, semi pro league, or go straight to the NFL. I'm pretty confident College Football would survive. Fans asses would still be in the seats on Saturdays. It would still be watched by millions because the School Names wouldn't change, the rivalries are still there, and the traditions would still be the same. Those are the reasons fans tune in or attend the games. Not a specific player.

So, your main argument for not paying the players, now, is "they weren't paid in the past" ?

Agreed, the NFL and NBA should have to foot the bill for their own minor league systems - just like MLB and European soccer. Sure, college football would survive, the same way college baseball/softball/soccer..... (and small G5/FCS level and below football) does - as a fringe sport supported by a small percentage of mostly students/alumni/family (this coming from one of that small group of people that does go to the Light on a Sunday to watch Miami play App State). NCAA baseball is a diminished product simply because the best 18-22 year old's playing baseball are getting paid (actual money) to do so. If you take the best players out of the game, there is no arguing that NCAA football would be the multi-billion dollar industry that it currently is. Fans tune into be entertained. If you want to be entertained, you're gonna have to pay the players.
So, your main argument for not paying the players, now, is "they weren't paid in the past" ?

Agreed, the NFL and NBA should have to foot the bill for their own minor league systems - just like MLB and European soccer. Sure, college football would survive, the same way college baseball/softball/soccer..... (and small G5/FCS level and below football) does - as a fringe sport supported by a small percentage of mostly students/alumni/family (this coming from one of that small group of people that does go to the Light on a Sunday to watch Miami play App State). NCAA baseball is a diminished product simply because the best 18-22 year old's playing baseball are getting paid (actual money) to do so. If you take the best players out of the game, there is no arguing that NCAA football would be the multi-billion dollar industry that it currently is. Fans tune into be entertained. If you want to be entertained, you're gonna have to pay the players.

I believe both of us are guilty of assuming what individuals would do in this debate. However, using your baseball as an example. People are not falling over themselves to watch better players in minor league baseball games or filling those stands. I'd venture to say College Baseball games are probably more heavily watched and attended. Football is a different animal in my opinion. College Baseball, softball, soccer has never had the same popularity as football.

million dollar man cash GIF
Using Miami as an example. I guess the 350K+ the athlete gets in free tuition, free books, free room/board, free meals over four years, and a degree from major university doesn't count as compensation at all?
I agree, but this won’t end well.
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