Shemar Stewart

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location my ***. As my name suggests, I just graduated in '21, the number of my friends with over 250k in UG student debt is insane, and I graduated in one of the more lucrative majors....can't imagine the music or marine bio kids. We shouldn't be paying 50-60k/yr for 4 years to make 50-80k/yr
College should be a "follow your dreams" discussion, but in reality, it needs to be an ROI discussion.

How much of that NIL money will moe leach off of Stewart? I want every 4/5 star kid to pick Miami, but issshh like this is so concerning to me that it goes beyond Miami. I remember how I was at 18 and how impressionable I was and now you want to give them 7 figure deals? These dudes about to have the sharks circling them and be shopped like a hooker with no regard for the long term longevity of the player.

Money is money, but when you have an 18 year old getting manipulated into making a short term decision in favor of cash while sacrificing Strength and conditioning, nutrition, medical training, and education that will be benefit them in the long term…it rubs me the wrong way.

That’s not even considering how many of these handlers are going to scam these kids now. I know this isn’t new, but now it’s open season. I’m sure moe is getting 10% for negotiating these deals.

Go to Bama, Georgia, Ohio state, Miami, or some other power 5 school that’s going to invest into you the student athlete for the long term.
I don’t have an issue with pimping. U just have an issue with who the pimp is.
This only applies to transfers after 12/15. So yes, he could free up spots, but it depends on who leaves and when they leave.
I think the 7 spots are also only for portal guys meaning if you lose 7 to the portal you can add 7 from it without counting against your 25. I may be wrong but if that is the case that would not help with HS recruits
If ANY corporation or business entity in America is dumb enough to draft a contract where the company pays all the money up front and has no control over future contingencies, then that business DESERVES to go bankrupt.
Isn't that the contract that businesses make when they purchase suites at the stadium and pay before the season starts? They didn't know exactly how Manny would perform or that D'Eriq would play 3 games, instead of 12.
Those players are only there for three or for years and then move on to different careers while being replaced with other players. In addition, each said player does not have the same responsibilities as the coach. While the product might not be as entertaining, could these colleges still field teams with students that on a regular scholarship that just want to be part of team and have fun playing ball? I'd venture to say yes as Colleges and College Football existing well before you or I was born.
“Not be as entertaining”, that’s already a proven fact, but the main point is that product wouldn’t be monetized and no mega TV contracts would be afforded that product.
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The colleges and College Football existed before all the mass influx of athletic scholarships. As I said the product/platform would be watered down and wouldn't be as entertaining, but it would be there without the super athlete. The Colleges and the sport of College Football has given the platform to these young men to get into Schools they may not would be qualified to get into without it.
Well then we’ll go to our own schools then. This is an audacious conversation, and now we see the motivation behind his move.
“Not be as entertaining”, that’s already a proven fact, but the main point is that product wouldn’t be monetized and no mega TV contracts would be afforded that product.

Seems like you're doing a lot of assuming there. College Football has been on TV for a long time. In addition, fans have been filling stadiums due to the love of their favorite team and school they attended. Again, nothing to do with the individual player. The game and the schools are bigger than the players. It goes on regardless whenever the individual moves on to the pros or begins their careers in something else.
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Well then we’ll go to our own schools then. This is an audacious conversation, and now we see the motivation behind his move.

I'm not a fan of the NIL and what it's becoming regardless of school. I was pointing out that players have been getting compensated for their work before NIL. Which is accurate.
Seems like you're doing a lot of assuming there. College Football has been on TV for a long time. In addition, fans have been filling stadiums due to the love of their favorite team and school they attended. Again, nothing to do with the individual player. The game and the schools are bigger than the players. It goes on regardless whenever the individual move on to the pros or begin their careers in something else.
Seems that you are doing a lot of projecting there. You’ve moved the conversation to a focus on one point that no one here disagrees with. The point was big money, NIL deals, and FBS vs FCS schools etc…
I'm not a fan of the NIL and what it's becoming regardless of school. I was pointing out that players have been getting compensated for their work before NIL. Which is accurate.

So they were getting compensated before and they're getting compensated now.

Why all the hand wringing?
Using Miami as an example. I guess the 350K+ the athlete gets in free tuition, free books, free room/board, free meals over four years, and a degree from major university doesn't count as compensation at all?
It's not "free" - it's bartered for. Unless you believe that The University of X will happily keep "giving" scholarship athletes tuition, books, meals, etc. if they stopped going to classes, missed practices and never played in any games. You, perhaps, enjoy doing things similar to how they were done in the Bronze age. Maybe you have a sundial instead of a digital clock. You store your perishables in a pit underground and not in a refrigerator. You... But the rest of us in the 21st century are aware of these things called "salaries" - they've been around for millennia, actually. People get paid money for their work, and then can buy whatever they want with that money. Amazing concept.

And, since you are willing to concede that scholarship athletes are due some "compensation" - I'm just curious why you think that compensation should be capped (at a number well below market value, no less). To preserve the sanctity of amateurism? Buddy, that ship sailed a loooooong time ago.
Seems that you are doing a lot of projecting there. You’ve moved the conversation to a focus on one point that no one here disagrees with. The point was big money, NIL deals, and FBS vs FCS schools etc…

You're welcome to circle back to the topic you feel this thread is about. However, it's splintered all over different directions from it's original beginning of Shemar Stewarts recruitment. I was responding to someone's comment regarding NIL in general and players getting equal compensation which wasn't you.
Manny Fckng Diaz has put several defensive ends in the league while he was here.
Yes you heard that correctly. Including 2 first rounders.
No reason at all that Mario and whoever comes in can’t do that for him.

So maybe he likes tamu and jimbo and feels they can win there.
Good luck to him but he doesn’t need it cause he’s very talented
And a Tamu bag may get coach mo a nice whip.

But These players wanting to go to a HBCU is quite a risk imo.
The reason besides daily competition would be the difference in the nutrition as well the s and c program.

Travis hunter might want to hire a personal nutritionist and trainer. But it’s gonna cost him.
And if he was able to do that then it’s gonna be a huge problem cause what if his trainer isn’t eye to eye with his team s and c coach.
Does that mean he doesn’t work out with the team?
Is he gonna have his meals prepped and not eat at the school?

That might not be a big issue for a db. But for Shemar that is a huge problem.
The team and the coach have to be able to decide what is the best option for him? Is he going to be a pure edge rusher? Is he gonna be a hybrid 3 tech? Are they just gonna put weight on him like golden did chick?

What about calories and all the other things he needs. Supplements, pre workout post workout meals and shakes?
For a dude that size he would need the best programs in the country to maximize his potential.

Maybe Tamu has it and we don’t yet who knows.
But hbcu for Shemar’s would be a mistake imo regardless Of the bag.
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