2022 Shemar Stewart goes A2M

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Trust me, I know all about Moe. Dude asked for courtside seats to the Heat game on his visit.

I think if Mario was here from the start we win this one.
The school should’ve reported Moe for violations for asking that.
Absolutely. But they clutch their pearls over us and haven't done one bit of actual journalism on this front in like 20 years in places where the REAL stories are/were. And the local SEC-town media is understandable but the national guys are absolute clowns with this.
Agreed. Part of that is what Miami is. The capital of shady characters and corruption.
I promised myself to never get mad or heavily invested in what these 18 yr old kids do, when kids chose to leave Miami under Manny, I somewhat understand. But if you can’t see that Mario is here to change this program and you still choose to leave. Then you’re dead to this fanbase and program.
Waiting for Moe’s white knights to show back up. Can’t believe you fell for that “father figure” bs.

Mario should ban that fat f*ck from campus and tell Shemar to kick rocks if he enters the portal. Quit playing these games and wasting resources on these low life’s.
Facts I’d never recruit a kid porky coaches again based off principle.
LOL fellas, he isn't a miami hurricane. why you still talkin about this guy? who gives a sh*t anymore. Nice haul today so far. let's see if we can snag Iuli
I’d take a mill and go to A&M too. Not gonna lie.

They just landed 5 top 20 players in the country because of legal bags. 6 if they up their offer to Perkins. Still laughing at anyone that thinks NIL helped Miami or leveled the playing field in college football in general.
The rankings and stars are nice and all but I’ll wait to see it play out on the field . I just don’t think giving a bunch of already ****y teenage football players 6-7 figures is going to have a perfect ending .
Moe needs to take his ho3 *** to college station too. MF shouldn't step foot in another Miami high school again. Scum of the earth fake *** father figure opportunistic slime ball POS. I see that fat fck, and I'm slashing tires and all.
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