2022 Shemar Stewart goes A2M

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My body is ready to be hurt again


How is he trolling? He is a kid that just took an official visit to Miami. They all post photos and videos. He hasn’t done anything out of line. Hasn’t played any games. Kid has actually handled his recruitment with respect to all 3 schools. As long as he doesn’t throw a hat on the ground then you can’t really be mad at the kid.

He isn’t acting like Jobe or something

Y’all need to chill
I don't need to do sh*t if he erases every team on his IG and only posts a video of himself at UM in full attire and doesn't come that's trolling. Idgaf what you say now deal with what I said period!
I've been following Shemar on instagram and he constantly hides then reshares his OV pics or football pics. Him leaving the Miami one up means absolutely nothing, just the flavor of the day and recent trip. FWIW I think James Williams did the same stuff so maybe it's a 5 star thing lol.

Anyway, I have no expectations for him on Wednesday but hope he stays home.
I've been following Shemar on instagram and he constantly hides then reshapes his OV pics or football pics. Him leaving the Miami one up means absolutely nothing, just the flavor of the day and recent trip. FWIW I think James Williams did the same stuff so maybe it's a 5 star thing lol.

Anyway, I have no expectations for him on Wednesday but hope he stays home.
So Tomorrow we should expect to see UGA or TAMU?
So Tomorrow we should expect to see UGA or TAMU?

He already did Georgia haha that’s what ppl are saying that he constantly changes his profile and photos. It’s really not a big deal either way. Enjoy the next two days of recruiting
Because it’s almost too good to be true it’s obvious. I mean come on delete EVERY team off your IG BUT Miami? That kills the suspense he wants for signing day wouldn’t u think? Idk man. I don’t know what to think anymore. Maybe it’s PTSD from the past.
I know, right?! Reminds me of Keondre Coburn, the DT from 2018 that signed with Texas. Hyped up Miami for the last month before signing and took all Texas stuff off his IG then turned around and signed with them the next week..
He already did Georgia haha that’s what ppl are saying that he constantly changes his profile and photos. It’s really not a big deal either way. Enjoy the next two days of recruiting
It's trolling you can only go to one school so you rile up all your finalists fan base by posting them only. So when you pick that one school whether it's the U or not the losers were trolled. He can do what he wants but and I can call it as I see it as well.
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