2022 Shemar Stewart goes A2M

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if the coaching search is any indication of how this will go, shemar will commit to miami, be on campus for around 4-5 weeks, and then will be poached UGA or Bama

we playin wit da big boyz now brah
Hey these jokes u can't get mad at. Sucks we getting poached it makes the SEC look that much boss. Feels like they play on another planet everyone else in slow mo.

The net impact of social media on society as a whole is a big negative one. That’s just facts. Doesn’t mean it has been harmful for everyone, but for society as a whole, it’s definitely a net negative.
ron burgundy anchorman GIF
Most things in this world are a net negative for society. But just bc something is used for the wrong reasons or taken advantage of by people, doesn’t mean it’s bad for everyone.
Never said it was bad for everybody. Just that it’s destructive for our society I general. Most people’s lives would be much better without it.
Never said it was bad for everybody. Just that it’s destructive for our society I general. Most people’s lives would be much better without it.

Suicide rates are through the roof with teenagers like we’ve never seen before. 100% has to do with them being raised with a smart phone in their hands and everything that comes along with social media, bullying etc.. I don’t have kids and can see it not sure how parents aren’t understanding what’s happening when they lets their kids play all over social media before they can even count to 100
Suicide rates are through the roof with teenagers like we’ve never seen before. 100% has to do with them being raised with a smart phone in their hands and everything that comes along with social media, bullying etc.. I don’t have kids and can see it not sure how parents aren’t understanding what’s happening when they lets their kids play all over social media before they can even count to 100
Suicide has been on the rise, but is through the roof now bc of covid restrictions.
Doubt it, but if you did, it would say more about you as a person than him. Sad.
I've got nothing crazy negative to say about him...but you don't think he's way over the top? Coaches job is to coach the kid up, and help him make it out. Shemar is a 5* kid, top 10 overall, safe to say the "coaches" job is done and it's now time to let the kid make his decision.

All the twitter stuff by the coach is excessive...makes it "appear" as if he's trying to get famous on account of being associated with Shemar. If sharing that thought about someone is critically damaging one's reputation then said one shouldn't "do things" that brings forth said opinion about him.
Crazy… this thread is dead because of the B-Mac news. Let’s keep it that way, no more mope news.
I think he meant most recruits that play games during their recruitment i.e. committing and decommiting to multiple schools, silent commitments to multiple schools at the same time or silent commit to one school and enroll in another school without telling the first school, disrespecting a school by like picking their schools hat up and then throwing it on the ground and picking another school or some **** like that. or even whatever the **** you categorize Alex Collins recruitment shenanigans. There are PLENTY more those were just some examples. Most of the recruits that do **** like that don’t seem to pan out and are in the portal in 1-2 years. I think that’s a more accurate statement then recruits not living up to the hype that are ranked high and don’t choose us.
Lol, first off, I can’t even begin to categorize Alex Collin’s recruitment…that sh*t was nuts. Second, I totally agree that most kids who play games don’t pan out. It turns out that kids who care more about being watched than actually making a commitment are the kids who usually care more about being watched than actually doing work. They’re just too good for things like hard work.
All the comments in here about Shemar’s coach are pretty gross, IMO. I don’t understand why people feel the need to denigrate other people they know virtually nothing about. None of you would say to Moe’s face any of the things you are saying on here. In all likelihood, you would just kiss his ***. It’s also sad the mods let these comments remain. No, I’m not one of those people that think these comments actually impact the recruiting outcome. I’m just somebody who believes in human decency. Unfortunately, all forms of social media have nearly eliminated most people’s sense of decency.
It’s just that we’ve all seen lots of situations that look like an adult using a kid for their own ends. That said, this board would probably feel different if these sleezeball handlers had been sending kids our way all these years. So there’s some true feelings on behalf of these young menhere, but there’s also a lot of bitterness.
It’s just that we’ve all seen lots of situations that look like an adult using a kid for their own ends. That said, this board would probably feel different if these sleezeball handlers had been sending kids our way all these years. So there’s some true feelings on behalf of these young menhere, but there’s also a lot of bitterness.
you remember when Donnell helped us land Stacey Coley years aback. we loved him then bc it worked out for us but if we were FSU fans, wed be cursing him out. its all perspective. reality is, we have been awful and haven't given reasons for kid to stay home
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