Shavar Manuel


#Canes lead for 5-Star DE Shavar Manuel. Is #FSU in the picture? (VIP)…
11:47am - 21 Aug 14

Don't believe the hype he has no leader right now he is just focusing on his JR season

Then I would give Newberg a call over at 24/7 and tell him to stop posting false stuff for FSU's site
now i just feel dumb, nobody knows what going to happen with Shavar and even though he's a monster he's a 2016 recruit and everybody is going ape **** over all of the information about him already. Verns right, let's just chill because he's focused on his JR year and not committing
now i just feel dumb, nobody knows what going to happen with Shavar and even though he's a monster he's a 2016 recruit and everybody is going ape **** over all of the information about him already. Verns right, let's just chill because he's focused on his JR year and not committing
lol fsuvern
So let me get this straight, I know jrock is a nole. Vern you bleed orange and green or garnet and gold?
#Canes lead for 5-Star DE Shavar Manuel. Is #FSU in the picture? (VIP)…
11:47am - 21 Aug 14

Don't believe the hype he has no leader right now he is just focusing on his JR season

Then I would give Newberg a call over at 24/7 and tell him to stop posting false stuff for FSU's site

Don't need to talk to Newberg, because I talk to Shavar and I know what's going on with his recruitment
He definatly not trolling anyone he is just starting his JR year and doesn't have any leaders, he says in most of these interviews it's like the reporter just keeps asking him over and over about who his favorites or leaders are, And most time he will list schools he likes or wants to visit and they will twist his words and say he has leaders, all the reporters want to try to get the best scoop they got to sell subs to eat.
C'mon shaver hop on the train. Continue the momentum! Make this the greatest recruiting class in UMs history!

This is the GOAT
That class was great.

**** I remember Jovonny Ward, LittleJohn, Boxill, and Robede.

Remember Ward had a lot of raves coming out. Whatever happened to him?

One of my best friends and former co-workers who played ball at Killian ****ed up Buck Ortegas truck back in the day and he came running out the house and almost kicked their ***.

Tella, Bergman and Gent never really panned out from that class. But that class was pretty **** good.

But also on some of our greatest classes. Wouldn't say that was the best. So many to debate with. 83 was stacked too. But that 01 class definitely one in the talks for sure.
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Geo that's not even the case... Most people can't afford UM...

Very true my brother got accepted into UM but didn't end up attending because of $$$$$... although my parents had prepaid for him he would have still had to take out a massive amount of loans and he didn't want to have to owe all that $$$$$ when all was said and done