Shannon Dawson is the New OC/QB Coach

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I mean I guess we’ll just never be happy. And I’m okay with that. But can we admit it? Lmao

A lot of us are happy. The ones who aren't, never are and will never be.

There's a saying, I'm sure you've heard it before. It goes like this: Misery LOVES company. And it's true as ****. These people are miserable and they'll stay miserable.
He was a **** of an LB at FSU. But is have the same gut reaction as you. He can’t be Worse than Dugans right?
Manny is fresh in my mind as well

Tbh I’m really just joking around but same time if we need a former linebacker to coach our guys I feel like the university of Miami would have a few guys to choose from…
Calculating the positive vs negative posts so I can be on the winning side of this choice. At a minimum it looks to be a very different offense coming our way.
I do understand what you mean in terms of a new and different offense to what we’ve had here at UM. That’s not the issue for me.

But it seems that you are implying that anyone hesitant on the hire shouldn’t be which after getting burned with the last guy that some thought did the play calling and other said he didn’t, it’s hard to decipher at this point.

I will take the word of @JustAFanHTX for sure on this as that’s his school, his land, his area of expertise. But I will still be cautious with it until I see it with my own eyes in real games.

Whoa, I don't think I said no one can't be hesitant on the hire. ****, I am! We've seen too many "good" hires go bad, so who knows? I am just happy we didn't go bro, bro.

I think the absolute vitriol and misinformation is absurd though. Which was my point... I think :)