SGA (Super Good Advice) for Canesport members

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I still don't get why folks stuck around that site after the Charles Robinson debacle.
Not only did that Yahoo "writer" get free reign on what is supposedly a UM site, but some of the
fellow Canesport posters who claimed to be UM fans supported this nonsense, even praising
Robinson for his work during the Q and A and imploring Gary to censor questions that
were critical of Robinson.
My head exploded after that incident and I got out of there ASAP.
I still get emails from that site asking me to come back and I always respond that I
don't send money to rats and snitches.
Gary always responds and to those emails I send tell him no, for the umpteenth
time, and call him an ***** in the process.

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I still don't get why folks stuck around that site after the Charles Robinson debacle.
Not only did that Yahoo "writer" get free reign on what is supposedly a UM site, but some of the
fellow Canesport poster who claimed to be UM fans supported this nonsense, even praising
Robinson for his work during the Q and A and imploring Gary to censor questions that
were critical of Robinson.
My head exploded after that incident and got out of there ASAP.
I still get emails from that site asking me to come back and I always respond that I
don't send money to rats and snitches.
Gary always responds and to those emails I send and then, for the umpteenth
time, I call him an *****.


How could you call yourself a Cane fan and stay on that site? I left immediately after Gary started slurping on Robinsons meat bag. *** Cs and Furburger.
Doubling down. Keep trying to be cool and witty!

Keep the knee slappers coming. Franchise may give you a rep one day.

Leave the analogies to Franchise. Nice try tho.

This. I have no remorse for these dudes. If they stood up with Ferman's **** still in their greasy hands after the Charles Robinson debacle they definitely don't deserve to be called "smart". Its like the battered wife that took a 15 year ***-beating only to finally step away and divorce him when the guy gets arrested... /golfclap

You typing with your toes? Hanging onto 2 ****s takes dedication.

I don't look for his approval. Not one of his ****riders on this site. You on the other hand...can't keep his name out your mouth or his **** out your hands. I come to this site for info...not approval from any of these keyboard warriors. It means nothing.

By the way I FIFY.
If nothing else this should have ended Ferman. He went head to head and lost and looked bad in the process. Anyone who still pays him is prob over the age of 40 and just feels sorry for him and doesn't want to be disloyal. A lot of his faithful subscribers have been his Day 1s.
There have been plenty of things that should have ended that place. It doesn't occur. It's all good because we set out to attract a different type of Canes fan, but it's surprising, like I said, that even my own friends spend money over there.

I don't know why people can't just settle down and use both sites as they choose without all the crap. I like this site. I like that they have a lot more stories with recruits. Who cares. It's almost like talking politics at this point..... You can't have a different opinion. Both get me canes info and that's all I care about. Not some ****** ****ing contest between you two
If nothing else this should have ended Ferman. He went head to head and lost and looked bad in the process. Anyone who still pays him is prob over the age of 40 and just feels sorry for him and doesn't want to be disloyal. A lot of his faithful subscribers have been his Day 1s.
There have been plenty of things that should have ended that place. It doesn't occur. It's all good because we set out to attract a different type of Canes fan, but it's surprising, like I said, that even my own friends spend money over there.

I don't know why people can't just settle down and use both sites as they choose without all the crap. I like this site. I like that they have a lot more stories with recruits. Who cares. It's almost like talking politics at this point..... You can't have a different opinion. Both get me canes info and that's all I care about. Not some ****** ****ing contest between you two
I'm not sure anything I said reflects a ****ing contest.
most of the dumbasses still paying probably paid a year and not month to month.


If nothing else this should have ended Ferman. He went head to head and lost and looked bad in the process. Anyone who still pays him is prob over the age of 40 and just feels sorry for him and doesn't want to be disloyal. A lot of his faithful subscribers have been his Day 1s.
There have been plenty of things that should have ended that place. It doesn't occur. It's all good because we set out to attract a different type of Canes fan, but it's surprising, like I said, that even my own friends spend money over there.

I don't know why people can't just settle down and use both sites as they choose without all the crap. I like this site. I like that they have a lot more stories with recruits. Who cares. It's almost like talking politics at this point..... You can't have a different opinion. Both get me canes info and that's all I care about. Not some ****ty ****ing contest between you two
I'm not sure anything I said reflects a ****ing contest.

I'm not sure I mentioned you anywhere
If nothing else this should have ended Ferman. He went head to head and lost and looked bad in the process. Anyone who still pays him is prob over the age of 40 and just feels sorry for him and doesn't want to be disloyal. A lot of his faithful subscribers have been his Day 1s.
There have been plenty of things that should have ended that place. It doesn't occur. It's all good because we set out to attract a different type of Canes fan, but it's surprising, like I said, that even my own friends spend money over there.

I don't know why people can't just settle down and use both sites as they choose without all the crap. I like this site. I like that they have a lot more stories with recruits. Who cares. It's almost like talking politics at this point..... You can't have a different opinion. Both get me canes info and that's all I care about. Not some ****ty ****ing contest between you two
I'm not sure anything I said reflects a ****ing contest.

I'm not sure I mentioned you anywhere
I read the bolded as a direct mention.
You fools look ridiculous.

Canesport sucks *******.

The boards are unreadable but to be honest I always forget to cancel and its only $10. They put up a lot of recruiting stories which I like. If you pay $10 for inside info then yes you are a fool but for me the recruiting updates even if wrong keep me in the loop and worth the $10. Grassy aka scout went to **** once bakas stopped posting as much and it took me a year to cancel because you had to call between 9 and 5 when I am working. For $10 bucks Ill keep it if that makes me an idiot then so be it. I love this site, (not because its free) even though thats a huge plus) lots of people from the good ole days (been on the boards since 2000) and Pete gets great info as do some posters on here.
There have been plenty of things that should have ended that place. It doesn't occur. It's all good because we set out to attract a different type of Canes fan, but it's surprising, like I said, that even my own friends spend money over there.

I don't know why people can't just settle down and use both sites as they choose without all the crap. I like this site. I like that they have a lot more stories with recruits. Who cares. It's almost like talking politics at this point..... You can't have a different opinion. Both get me canes info and that's all I care about. Not some ****ty ****ing contest between you two
I'm not sure anything I said reflects a ****ing contest.

I'm not sure I mentioned you anywhere
I read the bolded as a direct mention.

I meant the sites or the fans of each site...