Okay I have a question. We lost to Duke and UVA has basically made us their homecoming team (Since we are the only team they seem to beat). Does that mean the Foote got his way and we are now the Harvard of the South? Duke and UVA are about the best schools in the South, so if we can't beat them in football, I think that makes us the defacto Harvard S. I am going to ask for a raise or maybe even a job in the Obama adminstration since I have a Doctorate from Harvard S.
Oh crap, does this mean it is necessary for me to only drink wine, is it sufficient if I only drink beer out of glass and sip my bourbon instead of shooting it? Any eastern liberals out there to fill me in on the protocol? What type of music do I listen to, oh crap, I mean to what form of musical intertainment may I listen? Help please!