Season predictions

Still a long way to go, but what a change in the pay few months. Finally, something positive lol. I thought 3 wins in the ACC was the MAX after the Orlando tournament
I have a very close family friend who has a kid who plays for Nova. He went to the game against us a couple weeks ago, and yes it's one game and yes it was an exhibition, but he told me we're going to be flat out terrible this year. The dude could 100% be wrong, but he's been around ball his whole life, he played D2 ball, his best friend played for NC State back in the day, both his sons play college ball...he definitely knows the game. And he said we're an absolute bottom tier ACC team this year. Wasn't the best thing to hear, and only 1 guy's opinion, but he said we honestly could've lost to Nova. He said Wong is a baller but they gave him a ton of open shots that he won't get in the ACC and we have basically nothing else (he had 40 in that game btw).

Can we get an update on your friend's thoughts of our team?