Sean Taylor high school highlights

Peruche said:
With out a doubt one of the most talented players ever to come thru the "U".......... What is Buck Ortega doing now-a-days........
Not a fair comparison. Buck was a good player.
PCity, In no way was I insinuating that Buck Ortega is anywhere near the talent of #26 but that coach Davis recruited Sean & Buck off the 2000 Gulliver Prep team and that it would be interesting to know what he is up too in 2012..... Last I knew Buck was still in the NFL as a TE....... My bad........

****...watching with a tear in my eye

I didn't even know Sean, but I felt mad close to him (pause) Dude MADE me a Hurricanes fan...(I live in DC/MD area)

I still hurt thinking he COULD'VE been one of the best players the NFL has ever seen...He was FAST on his way the year he was killed. My favorite player in ANY sport and it's not even close...R.I.P to the MEAST. The ULTIMATE HURRICANE
Ripped my team up starting at the 2:30 mark. IIRC, that may be the '98-99 season, which means I want to forget what I remember about the game. He made playing football less fun for me.
Sean taylor is like the Michael Jordan of football... DIdnt he play basketball too?