Sean Taylor high school highlights

my buddy Cody played for Marianna. Only year they EVER made state, and they had the task of running into Sean Taylor.
6'3 230lb safety returning punts for TDs....he was the freakiest of them all.
I wish I would have been old enough to go watch him play in high school. Imagine the hype there would have been surrounding him if recruiting was the way it was now
I still can't believe a lot of us thought Ray Ray Armstrong might be a Sean Taylor type player. I would have been ok with him being half the player ST was....sigh
He definitely brought his RB talent to defense/return game. I swear, I've never seen a safety with better cutback ability when returning and INT or kick.

6'3" - 230

That pic of taylor at the 0:13 mark still gives me nightmares,because that was the game winning point. That was suppose to be immokalee's first championship team, but Taylor put those dreams to rest. Beat my team in double overtime 29-28. That was a long ride home for us. 189 yards two touchdowns and the game winning two point conversion. That was a man child!!!!
I remember bobby bowden commenting after the '03 game in t-ho that he had never seen a safety dominate a game like STaylor did that afternoon. I agreed. 'nuff said!!
dam he looked like OJ running the ball.
Also goes to show not to downgrade a player based on competition like rivals and scout did.
With out a doubt one of the most talented players ever to come thru the "U".......... What is Buck Ortega doing now-a-days........
Peruche said:
With out a doubt one of the most talented players ever to come thru the "U".......... What is Buck Ortega doing now-a-days........

Not a fair comparison. Buck was a good player.