Sean Spence at the Senior Bowl

I don't recall much "Spence bashing" going on. Seems to me that most people, me included, thought he was one helluva LB.

There was a lot of Spence bashing this year. It was beyond ridiculous.

Where was this bashing, I don't remember seeing it? The only thing I remember being said about him that could be taken as a negative was that he was the one out of position on the play where VT's QB ran up the gut for the TD.
I don't recall much "Spence bashing" going on. Seems to me that most people, me included, thought he was one helluva LB.

There was a lot of Spence bashing this year. It was beyond ridiculous.

Where was this bashing, I don't remember seeing it? The only thing I remember being said about him that could be taken as a negative was that he was the one out of position on the play where VT's QB ran up the gut for the TD.

I don't recall much "Spence bashing" going on. Seems to me that most people, me included, thought he was one helluva LB.

There was a lot of Spence bashing this year. It was beyond ridiculous.

Where was this bashing, I don't remember seeing it? The only thing I remember being said about him that could be taken as a negative was that he was the one out of position on the play where VT's QB ran up the gut for the TD.

This. Cause I was one of them dudes sayin it
If he doesn't go to Denver, maybe we'll see him ragdoll Tebow in a game again, like he did in turdville when was smaller, as a frosh. That'd be nice.
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Great day for Spence on Wednesday, according to the reports. They're calling him the "Darren Sproles of Defense."

Apparently the Redskins staff is very impressed by his ability to communicate assignments, which isn't a surprise.
Great day for Spence on Wednesday, according to the reports. They're calling him the "Darren Sproles of Defense."

Apparently the Redskins staff is very impressed by his ability to communicate assignments, which isn't a surprise.

Would love to continue having some Canes on my Skins, I'm afraid that Hank might be the only one next year (hopefully Santana too).
I guess we were reading different threads, shogun. Perhaps I was reading the WEZ at the time where anyone not named Ray Lewis or Ed Reed is fair game. Lots of Spence bashing though last year, lots.
And then there’s Spence, who is certainly a bit undersized at first glance. But no linebacker made more plays in the backfield during run drills than Spence, an impressive outcome because of those underwhelming dimensions. Make no mistake, Spence is well put together, as he showed during the weigh-ins, and his nose for the football was unmistakable. There are some things he can work on in coverage, but Spence is also said to be as sure a tackler as there is in the linebacker class, so he’ll make someone happy.

Spence is one of the great Cane LBs in the history of our program. He won't go down like that because he played on bad team/bad teammates but he is one **** of a college LB.
Spence was a tackling machine, with a nose to get around/through the block and make big plays in the backfield. Whoever snags him up in the draft is going to get a productive starter for the foreseeable future. The next NFL bound LB from Linebacker U. Best of Luck 31.
I don't recall much "Spence bashing" going on. Seems to me that most people, me included, thought he was one helluva LB.

There was a lot of Spence bashing this year. It was beyond ridiculous.

Where was this bashing, I don't remember seeing it? The only thing I remember being said about him that could be taken as a negative was that he was the one out of position on the play where VT's QB ran up the gut for the TD.

On Grassy for sure there was some back and forth on Spence. I don't remember anyone saying that he sucked, but there were numerous posters saying that he was overrated and disagreeing with anyone claiming that Spence was one of the best LB in CFB. As someone mentioned earlier, I think some downgraded Spence because of the lack of overall success of the team. For me,though, he's one of my favorite Canes. Dude is just a football player. There's no doubt in my mind that he's going to have a nice career in the league.
I don't recall much "Spence bashing" going on. Seems to me that most people, me included, thought he was one helluva LB.

There was a lot of Spence bashing this year. It was beyond ridiculous.

Where was this bashing, I don't remember seeing it? The only thing I remember being said about him that could be taken as a negative was that he was the one out of position on the play where VT's QB ran up the gut for the TD.

On Grassy for sure there was some back and forth on Spence. I don't remember anyone saying that he sucked, but there were numerous posters saying that he was overrated and disagreeing with anyone claiming that Spence was one of the best LB in CFB. As someone mentioned earlier, I think some downgraded Spence because of the lack of overall success of the team. For me,though, he's one of my favorite Canes. Dude is just a football player. There's no doubt in my mind that he's going to have a nice career in the league.

Nice write up on Spence:
The kid caught some flak on Grassy.

I **** you not, Dorsey caught some flak on Grassy. You gotta take those things with a truck-sized grain of salt. Anyone with a shred of football IQ could see that Spence was only one of a handful of players on our D with a heartbeat, and that he brought all he had every single play. Far and away the most consistent playmaker we've have on D since 2008.