Scrimmage news

Great news on Rosier looking terrible. Yeah, I said it

The faster he's not our starting QB, the better

I know what we have in Rosier and I've seen enough
Ideally he improves and offers us a quality backup if the starter goes down, but that's about all I expect from him. I get what you're saying, though. It was disgusting seeing almost every QB we played make plays that ours could not.
fenny you got a beef with Scavo, explain yourself son.

I don't want to speak for him or put words in his mouth, but I'm pretty sure he said something a while back about how the training staff's treatment of the walk-ons was not the best.
I think ppl are sleeping on what Homer and Dallas will do this season. I think Homer remains the featured back barring injury and DeeJay has to get the ball. A trio is fine. Abundance of richest.
This! Homer is the effin man. He is slept on. Dallas is a beast. Lingard won’t surpass either one and that’s not in anyway a knock on him. Homer is an Heisman finalist running behind a Bama, Georgia, or Wisconsin o-line. Lingard will have a very good o-line before he leaves.
Great news on Rosier looking terrible. Yeah, I said it

The faster he's not our starting QB, the better

I know what we have in Rosier and I've seen enough

I was thinking that when I read the breakdown but you beat me to it. I can’t stand inaccurate QBs.

Re-watching all the games from last year it was a miracle from baby Jesus himself that we went 10-1 in the regular season. He nearly cost us FSU, UNC, GT, Syracuse, etc.

Time to thank Rosier for his services and flip the page to the future.
I was at practice on Saturday.

*None of the QB's looked THAT good. They were okay. Quite a few INT's were thrown. Weldon, Rosier and Williams all threw picks. I don't recall one from Perry. I do remember him dropping an absolute dime to Hightower though. Just based off what I saw on Saturday I'd have to say that Perry is our #1.

*We weren't very innovative on offense but it's only spring and 3/4 of our QB's are young. We'll see how that develops.

*Rosier's really bad. Like reallllllllly bad. He's still throwing bubble screens into the dirt. Jeff Thomas had to dive to catch one, which ended up being a 2 yard loss. Fumbled a snap or two as well.

*Jon Garvin, Joe Jackson and (especially) Greg Rousseau are absolute freaks. Me and my coaching buddy were in complete shock watching Rousseau. He looks like a Jason Taylor clone and he's very physical for a kid who's still supposed to be in high school. The way he was punching/separating during run/inside drills...MY GOD.

*Looked like Smith was running with the 1's at Sam Linebacker. Garvin at LE and Jackson at RE.

*Our DT depth is atrocious. Losing our starting DT's really hurt. With those 2 guys back, our whole DL unit would've looked elite.

*Mark my words: Lawrence Cager is gonna have a breakout year and elevate himself into an early draft pick. He's gonna put himself on the national radar this year. He's an impressive site to see in person. Not only is he massive, but his knee bend for a guy his size/height is rare. Usually 6'5" WR's are stiff and struggle to bend (get in and out of their breaks). He's impressive.

*Our practice tempo is awesome. Lots of intensity. No bullsh!ttin. Guys em...FLYING AROUND.

*I like Coach Simpson. That is all.

*Our younger players are clearly on a different level than our Golden recruits. Our young WR's and (especially) DB's look very impressive. Hightower is a grown man already. The young DB's are all long and well put together.

*Our TE's are embarrassingly bad. They don't belong here. The Freshmans can't get here soon enough. Mallory was there and he's a good looking kid. Long.

*Chopped it up with my paisano Vinny Scavo. We talked about the last 2 regimes (Shannon and Golden) and the current state of our program. He's been around the team a long time and he said "we're getting there" and that this is the best looking team we've had in a while. He said losing the DT's really hurt but overall we look good. He's really on board with Richt and kept talking about what a "great man" he is, how he genuinely cares about the kids.

*Saw Richt chew-out Jaquan Johnson for a bit. That was fun. LOL

*Was impressed with how welcoming and personable everybody was. Even the team chaplain approached us and asked us where we were from and so on. Chopped it up with us for a good 20 minutes before moving on. This goes a long way in recruiting, making local coaches feel welcome and like they're part of the family. That didn't exist under Shannon and under Golden it came across as fabricated. (which from what I've heard, was Golden's MO anyway)

And finally, the most impressive thing I saw all day...

*Lorenzo MF'ing Lingard. That kid is on another level. Not only is he built like a brick ****house, but his burst is unreal. He's downhill RIGHT NOW. On several occasions my buddy and I went "**** who the **** was that?!" and it was #1.
Homer and Dallas are great, but IMO Lingard is just on another level. He's on that elite level of some of our previous/great RB's. It makes sense why he was ranked so high. There's no way he's kept off the field next season.
Thanks for the update man!!

Quick Q, How did Dean look at DB?
Great news on Rosier looking terrible. Yeah, I said it

The faster he's not our starting QB, the better

I know what we have in Rosier and I've seen enough
I don't care who our QB is so long as they got the job via the fact that they got better as opposed to somebody else getting worse. Rosier made an incredible leap forward after one off season with a real coach. I'm not going to sit here in March and pretend that a veteran QB coach can't make similar progress with a player in year two. If 'Kosi or anybody else passes him, fine. I just hope it's because that person got better and worked harder for it.
I’m hoping Perry makes this an easy choice for the coaches and it’s not another battle like last year . We need a QB that’s MUCH better than Rosier, not neck and neck with him in practice
Unless it's a close battle between him and someone other than Rosier. I can handle that, but not Rosier being in the mix for the starting job.
Yea i meant to say in a battle with Rosier . If a guy BARELY beats out Rosier, should we really be that excited ?

In my opinion yes as that would mean someone is ascending in their play bast a level that got us 10 winds and an Orange Bowl berth. That would indicate growth and improvement at the position and for this team.
This! Homer is the effin man. He is slept on. Dallas is a beast. Lingard won’t surpass either one and that’s not in anyway a knock on him. Homer is an Heisman finalist running behind a Bama, Georgia, or Wisconsin o-line. Lingard will have a very good o-line before he leaves.
Homer is good but he isn't elite. Lingard has elite talent and that's something homer and dallas doesn't. It aint a knock on those guys but there is a difference between duke johnson and yearby/walton.
Great news on Rosier looking terrible. Yeah, I said it

The faster he's not our starting QB, the better

I know what we have in Rosier and I've seen enough

The sentiment is understood but having a young QB win the job simply because he's less horrible than Rosier does nothing for the program. Winning that job by default for either Williams, Weldon or Perry probably means none of them really took the job and we might see them all at some point.
Also, I was told that Patchan is actually "really good", he just can't stay healthy.
He definitely looks the part in person.

Choc has to be the best looking scrub I've ever seen. Impressive looking athlete. Bad football player? I don't even think he got a carry on Saturday.

Michael Jackson is another guy who should be first off the bus. Looks like a 1st round CB.

Does Patchan have an injury at the moment?
I don't want to speak for him or put words in his mouth, but I'm pretty sure he said something a while back about how the training staff's treatment of the walk-ons was not the best.

Fenny : "Scavo, I may have strained my hammy..."

Scavo: "Here's a bus pass to the closest VA hospital"
