I liked it, though you could get the same rankings by simply going through a Rivals list. In fact, I think it lines up like 90% with recruiting sites.
I'd like someone to give their thoughts and not hedge so much. If you like a player more than size indicates, rank them accordingly and actually make statements.
I have watched probably 40 corner prospects and there aren't 5 I'd take over Bandy for the things we will ask his position to do. I think he's a legit elite player when you add in the will and competitiveness.
As for his comments on WR, I'd place Jeff Thomas right with Jeudy, and I really like Harley.
Recruiting is as much about fit for the role asked to play as it is about anything else and the coaches really meshed the two together well.
As a data analyst myself (though my role is technically manager), I understand the desire to push everything towards the middle, allow for an error range, and expect enough things will push out to allow yourself to claim accuracy, but I'd have liked for him to like or dislike a player more than consensus to take his analysis more seriously.
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