Scout guys' predictions

RandomWalk did in fact jump on the Gruden bandwagon late in the game. It took him some time but right before the supposed meeting in Tampa, he started agreeing that it was a done deal. That whole mess got EVERYONE wrong.

Anyway, Random I believe does have sources, and he's a lot more reliable than some of these gurus out there, but it doesn't mean he ultimately knows for sure where a kid decides to go. Hopefully this is one of those times he's wrong.

Bakas did say Howard wasn't even being recruited back in Dec'11/Jan '12, and that Miami had no shot. Silly *** Bakas.

Recently I've become a bit skeptical of RW because Chise has called him out and normally Franchise is on top of his game, but I've got to say that I disagree with your Gruden comment. I remember the "done deal" night like it was yesterday. The rumors were swirling that it was a done deal, and when GR8 who up until that point had NEVER been wrong, agreed that it was a done deal, Cane fans everywhere started popping bottles. It was RW who basically said fellas, I'm just not hearing any of this. He even went as far as to say that he would double check to make sure and still came up with nothing.

I wouldn't be surprised if he knows someone on the Board or knows someone who knows someone on the Board. His vague information has been decent at times as far as Executive-level stuff like the Gruden issue. Problem he has is that he tries to parlay those little actual tidbits into becoming a recruiting expert. Totally different levels of info there, yet he tries to act like he has some insight on recruiting when he doesn't.