Sandusky ... Part Deux

I'll never understand how the NCAA gave them a pass like they did.

If there ever., in the history of sports was a 'death penalty' offense, that should have been it.

I can't wait till [MENTION=9161]CaneFan79[/MENTION] gets in here and lets loose

The most insane aspect was them being back to full scholies before us.


When the sanctions were reduced in 2013, check out these qoutes from the story:

"The executive committee's decision to restore football scholarship opportunities for more student-athletes at Penn State is an important recognition of the university's progress -- and one I know it was pleased to make," Emmert said."

"Emmert insisted the reductions didn't come because the original sanctions were deemed too severe, but because of the good-faith efforts by Penn State.

They got their punishment reduced TWO YEARS after the revelations!?!?! That's to say that 24 months - probably less time if you look at the exact timelines - was able to wash away 15 plus years of heinous crimes at an institutional level?

Holy fvck man the NCAA doesn't try to hide the fact that play favorites whatsoever. Watch how Baylor will get 5x the punishment because they lack the history.
Pedos are often created by the trauma of their own victimization. He needs rot (recidivism is all but guaranteed). Mom should rot in a jail right next to him. He has no excuses but he was likely broken in his childhood. She has none. I hope they rot slow, lonely and suffer greatly.
The old saying is: The pedophile doesn't fall far from the tree.

Too bad it wasn't this tree -

The sad part is that PSU fluffers desperately try to distance Joe Pud's legacy away from the mess that was Sandusky. They try to be semantical and exonerate Paterno by claiming he had nothing to do with what Sandusky did on his own time. Scapegoating at its finest. Sickening.
The sad part is that PSU fluffers desperately try to distance Joe Pud's legacy away from the mess that was Sandusky. They try to be semantical and exonerate Paterno by claiming he had nothing to do with what Sandusky did on his own time. Scapegoating at its finest. Sickening.
There have been rumors from some well-placed sources that JoePud died of the AIDS. And guess how he got it? Makes sense given the fact he croaked quicker than Easy E.
Pedos are often created by the trauma of their own victimization. He needs rot (recidivism is all but guaranteed). Mom should rot in a jail right next to him. He has no excuses but he was likely broken in his childhood. She has none. I hope they rot slow, lonely and suffer greatly.

Parents of sexual abuse victims need to go to jail? Seriously? She didn't marry Sandusky with the intention that he'd abuse her daughters.
Pedos are often created by the trauma of their own victimization. He needs rot (recidivism is all but guaranteed). Mom should rot in a jail right next to him. He has no excuses but he was likely broken in his childhood. She has none. I hope they rot slow, lonely and suffer greatly.

Parents of sexual abuse victims need to go to jail? Seriously? She didn't marry Sandusky with the intention that he'd abuse her daughters.

I think he was referring to Jerry Sandusky's wife, which is this clowns' mother. It sounds like he's saying that she had to know something about what was happening in the basement to all of those kids, and surely if it was happening to her own child. That's my take. I could be wrong.