Sad News Out of UGA

When dealing with issues concerning children is disturbing... To know this is not the first time is really sick... There's something really wrong in the wiring of this young mans head... Really hope the kids are ok...
When dealing with issues concerning children is disturbing... To know this is not the first time is really sick... There's something really wrong in the wiring of this young mans head... Really hope the kids are ok...
The charge regarding the kids is most likely that he was violent with the lady in front of the kids. Still horrible, but pretty sure he didn’t touch the kids.
The charge regarding the kids is most likely that he was violent with the lady in front of the kids. Still horrible, but pretty sure he didn’t touch the kids.

The two different arrests had different charges related to the child.

The most recent arrest involved a felony charge as it relates to the child. Of all the charges filed thus far, that one is the most serious, not just emotionally, but legally.

"Violent with the lady" would probably be a felony too, most likely. So I'm thinking that there might be a separate factual pattern as it relates to the child in the second arrest.

Still just a guess, but trying to analyze what has been charged thus far.

And for the record, I live in GA now. Maybe ATL cops charge this differently than Athens cops, not sure on that.