Rose Interview

Jesus Christ, that stat he had queued up about 11 top 25 teams losing and the number of those that were road teams sounded like a classic Golden cherry picked stat to mask the stinkery of his team's performance.

I'm ******* having flashbacks right now.
I can’t believe I’m about to type this it goes...He might be worse then Golden.
Jesus Christ, that stat he had queued up about 11 top 25 teams losing and the number of those that were road teams sounded like a classic Golden cherry picked stat to mask the stinkery of his team's performance.

I'm ******* having flashbacks right now.

The fact that prior to the interview he, or a staff member on his behalf, took the time to research this stat is one of the most pathetic admissions of failure I've seen from a UM coach in the last 15 years of suckitude.

Stick a fork in Richt. He's done.
I can’t believe I’m about to type this it goes...He might be worse then Golden.

It's like comparing a stinking pile of elephant dung to a stinking pile of rhinoceros dung. It's all ****, so who cares which is worse.
Seriously, this is far worse than I imagined. He has no answers to fix anything. Uh duh if you make changes you get mistakes. Well Einstein, wtf do you think is happening now. Dude is a projector like he knows what would automatically happen with changes, yet is so blinded by his pompousness that he doesn't see how bad it is without change. Sun has fried his brain.
Thing is it could be so easy for him to get through this if he would just admit our QBs suck ***. But instead he wants to blame the other 10 players on offense. Richt is going to ruin his career because he wants to protect his son.
I wish I could defend the guy. I wish we were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

But, in year three, we should be beating times like Virginia and BC no matter where we play them. And, that light at the end of the tunnel appears to be a train.

It’s clear that what he’s doing isn’t working. A sane person would make changes to fix it. I’m not optimistic. IMO, it’s going to take yet another coaching staff (here we go again). This is depressing.
Here is my bilingual interpretation;

We can't put in Kosi because we don't have the time or enough body of work to know the extent of his fucckupability. With Rosier, we feel real comfortable he has reached maximum fucckupability that it gives us the best chance to win.

Mork is a phucking dumbshiit.


Can someone that is fluent in English please help me decipher what the fvck this guy just said?

"Malik regularly underthrows Jeff Thomas, we can plan accordingly and teach Jeff to be more aggressive knocking those down. Perry, completes passes to Jeff, not all the time, but just enough that we convert 1st downs, score TDs and that messes up our script and then Feagles doesn't get any work. Plus, Jeff gets dehydrated."
The fact that prior to the interview he, or a staff member on his behalf, took the time to research this stat is one of the most pathetic admissions of failure I've seen from a UM coach in the last 15 years of suckitude.

Stick a fork in Richt. He's done.
Sad, really.
I just listed to the interview, first off the bat within the first minute of the interview, here is what CMR said when asked about why Rozier was named the starting QB and not Perry: "Based on what we know and what other people don't know" Towards the end of the interview he again stated a similar sentiment about the unknown. It appears that internally there is more that meets the eye with Perry.
That was such a pathetic interview. A good coach gets ****ed at himself, his coaches, and his players for losing.

Richt doesn't get ****ed until the media and fans question him.

He gives off the "o well" mentality. "well we should've had a targeting call", "well we should've had a TD at the end of the half", "we'll we didn't execute" but "o well, that's just football and we lost".

He has a loser mentality
Richt was **** near combative straight out of the gate; haughty with his responses especially regarding his QB selection.
That's a very brock like post.

What exactly are you saying? Or were you just upping your post count?

Sure i can explain. We do have young guys in alot of spots. Starting freshman at TE and on The Line is never what you want. It is clear people are not executing to a high level as we constantly have missed assignments and dropped passes. Alot of this is on coaching and he said that about 5 or 6 times.

Then he also made some bad excuses like 11 teams in top 25 losing this weekend and 10 were away from home. Any comments on rosier is an excuse. How his gameplan is fine but people are not executing thats an excuse.