Romello height 1000% cane...LOL jk signs with Auburn

ivins was actually right all along w this kid and the kid was too weak to admit it up front to the staff and/or public. i dont think anyone can be mad that he chose the better program right now, but theres a way to go about it.
Exactly why I say fu ck em. lol

To be fair Ivins shouldn't be taking career advice from a kid he’s covering. Actual journalists state facts and then say the person denies it or whatever. Letting the person you are covering dictate what you can and can’t write isn't journalism, it’s activism.
You cant do that though when the people you are covering, are your biggest sources. You have to trust them even when they are hand feeding you dog sh it.
To be fair Ivins shouldn't be taking career advice from a kid he’s covering. Actual journalists state facts and then say the person denies it or whatever. Letting the person you are covering dictate what you can and can’t write isn't journalism, it’s activism.

ivins is covering recruiting. this **** is stupid compared to what actual journalists cover. ivins wrote what he knew all along and the kid went out of his way to deny it. ivins never held back what he reported and stated it on his podcast that he had a hunch that Height went there
You cant do that though when the people you are covering, are your biggest sources. You have to trust them even when they are hand feeding you dog sh it.

ivins didnt even trust him tho. he kept saying he visited that weekend or previously on the low. he even said he expects him at AU.
You cant do that though when the people you are covering, are your biggest sources. You have to trust them even when they are hand feeding you dog sh it.

Lmao that’s exactly how you get to where we are right now. Trust nobody. People are for whatever reason afraid of the people they are supposed to be writing about.
ivins is covering recruiting. this **** is stupid compared to what actual journalists cover. ivins wrote what he knew all along and the kid went out of his way to deny it. ivins never held back what he reported and stated it on his podcast that he had a hunch that Height went there

Either Ivins was lying or isn’t good at his job. The kid made MULTIPLE trips to Auburn and Ivins only said he had a “hunch” he went there? Now all of the sudden now he comes out with fact that it wasn’t just the speculated OV but all the other trips that he was pretty sure about? Most guys in his spot would have asked other sources or someone on Miami’s side if it was true.
Either Ivins was lying or isn’t good at his job. The kid made MULTIPLE trips to Auburn and Ivins only said he had a “hunch” he went there? Now all of the sudden now he comes out with fact that it wasn’t just the speculated OV but all the other trips that he was pretty sure about? Most guys in his spot would have asked other sources or someone on Miami’s side if it was true.

no ivins said he went there but the kid kept denying it. if the kid is denying it, ivisn cant sit there and claim it as a fact. he did say the people he spoke with said he was there that weekend.
Would he be the type of person to troll Miami?

Dec 8th told Greene to make that move to Miami
Dec 9th told Washington to make that move to Miami
On Dec 12th he asks Slaughter to join him at Miami
Dec 12th posted "great day with Fam" (coaches visited) "Btw im done with recruitment im 1000%"
Before his championship game on Dec 13th, he posted a video of him in a Miami Polo
Dec 14th retweeted all pro-Miami pics from other players visits to Coral Gables
Still has 1000% committed Pinned on twitter
His Profile Pic is him in a Miami uniform
And in his Bio, it says DE for the University of Miami

That's a lot of trolling and for what reason? I would think he would just be silent if he had intentions of leaving.
yes...indeed. he's 17 and them bags heavy lol
no ivins said he went there but the kid kept denying it. if the kid is denying it, ivisn cant sit there and claim it as a fact. he did say the people he spoke with said he was there that weekend.

Im speaking on the MULTIPLE trips this kid took. Ivins claims he has sources that outted him on all the twitter accounts and secret trips. Hard for me to believe he just got all of that info dumped on him this morning and had no suspicions of it earlier.
It’s 2019. No kid makes more than one trip without it getting out from the coaches or reporters
Manny lost to FIU, GT, and Duke....he deserves to get trolled

Agreed. Dude trolled FSPOO last summer then went on to have those loses AND still trolled FSPOO again this offseason. If you want to troll others don’t bïtch when you get trolled, especially after you don’t back up your talk. Don’t feel bad for him one bit.
Everyone knew he was gone when he said he didnt visit but was pictured in full uni right? Auburn doesnt tote that around to houses and the kid still lied about it anyway like coaches were stupid.
I just don’t get why he went out of his way to shaft Diaz and his staff. The “1000% committed” post, the post with Manny that says “my HC stopped by”, him actively keeping a lid on Ivins, his post with him saying he’s been home all weekend.

A lot of effort went into this when he could easily have said “I’ve got a top2 of UM and Auburn.