Role call - who stayed up? Who never had a doubt?

50 years of Hurricane football and an alum. I wasn’t about to go to bed. It’s great to be, this morning. That one was up there with the Michigan comeback.
Wasn’t feeling well and crashed at 14-10. Ended up waking up and ended up on the ******* right after 38-25. Watched the rest of the game like that
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Currently in Kuwait and working on this Sunday (2:39pm local Kuwait time). Went into a meeting with the score 38-18. Thought this was probably going to be a loss. Meeting lasted a little over an hour. Came back to see final score was 39-38 Canes. Sat at my desk in shock and silence but with a sigh of relief.
I was in it to till the end.

Call it faith or call it masocism, but I usually watch even the bad games to the end. **** I even watched that Dolphins/Titans game to the bitter end.

But, in fairness, I have an epic nap planned for later today. 🥱
Finished all of the game after fighting sleep from being up all day with my daughter at her softball tournament.

Felt that we were giving Cal too much with our defensive alignments, lack of running the ball, and not taking what the defense was giving us.

Mario’s talking about players reading the press clippings, he needs to stop reading them too! We have an arrogant and stubborn staff at times!

Loved every minute of the come back! 🫢🫳🏾
Was ****ed with some of the playcalling and defensive breakdowns but never considered going to bed or turning it off. Wanted to see how they responded. Team has ice in its veins.
I was watching UFC and the game... Passed out after the main event ended... Tried to stay up... Didn't work... Lol...
Was surprised when I checked the score when I woke up... Really wish I saw it happen instead of replays...
I said **** it and took a Xanax at the end of the 3rd quarter and had to fight to stay awake for the fourth but I saw every play until all zeros on the clock
Stayed up the whole time. Each poster in the game chat who said they were going to bed early because blah, blah, blah shouldn’t wake up
Stayed up the whole game. When the game was close I had was worried. When we got down by 25 I had a feeling we were going to comeback. Weird!
We are officially the most hated team in college football again and it’s not even close.

People are actually melting down over this W. Apparently we are the ACCs darling child now.
Stayed up and went to sleep after the Cam interview. Just now woke up to read the message boards before going to church.
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What a night... My greatest joy is knowing 75% of this board went to bed an hour ago and are going to wake up to 6-0
some of stayed up to witness the most unlikely ending... I tried to go to sleep but ended up putting the game on my phone with headphones...think this is even crazier than the UF game of 03...