In past year’s I finish watching the game but the whole second half I know it’s over. I genuinely never believe we’re out of a game with Ward at QB. Been bullish on him for 2 years and it will make me look like an idiot at some point but that dude is unflappable. It’s like watching Burrow at LSU.
Gonna be honest I turned it off and went to bed after the 3rd and 15 screen pass went for 50+ yards and we were already down 28-10. Just got up to make a bottle for the baby and checked bleacher report to see how big the loss was and now I’m wide awake at 4am…**** me. Guess I’ll watch the rest of the game!
Watched from Germany, Kick Off 4:30 am….was close to quitting a couple of times. No I will enjoy the rest of the day with my 3 kids on a family trip…sleep deprived but happy
I turned it off at 35-10, went upstairs and brushed my teeth, started to crawl into bed, thought **** it, went back downstairs, turned it back on. What a ******* comeback!
Also, thanks to the long *** TV timeouts, I didn’t miss any game time! lol
My wife is like who were you talking to?
Jesledeem jesledeem que dices? No you were saying something to somebody. Lol
Jajajajaja she's from Acapulco Mexico. I'm like baby I'm just telling Cam to lead em. Jajajajaja
So many times, our brothers we've felt it coming up short. Just find a way to win each week. At one point I felt like I was talking to Kenny in the old OB. Just begging him to just make em believe. Im delirious
I love @AtlAtty getting up to ****, grab some water, just after ****ing his thumbs hitting refresh dirty with ****, his eyes widening, smile starts to break his face. Tries to contain his excitement doing fistpumps into the air double takes back at the bedroom to see if he woke her up.
I got up early to watch the game. Game start was at 4:30h here.It’s plus 9 hours comparing the time here in Europe to California. So basically it was a Sunday morning game for me. Crazy