Role call - who stayed up? Who never had a doubt?

After all these years I don't know what to say other than this....

This team is wonderfully flawed.

We just pulled off a comeback in a quarter in a half, while being down FOUR scores. We did this WITHOUT the benefit of an ONSIDE kick or a pick 6.

We're not winning a natty but this season was never about that. This team has heart and is fun to watch. Make the playoffs and get the brand back on the national map. Then reinforce via an even higher level of recruiting. This season is basically one big advertising and marketing campaign for Mario the recruiter.
I stayed up and I was really ****ed.. I got close to shutting it off in the third at 25 down. But once the gap started closing you could see the numbers of a possibility. That and the hot kpop chicks in my Instagram feed kept me watching lol. I'm glad I got to see that comeback!!
Still can’t believe they let that targeting call go. I honestly thought that was it, because self-inflicted daggers is how we usually do ourselves in. Holy crap, what a an unbelievable roller coaster of emotions that game was.

I had plenty of doubt and did come to bed but wife had it on and I couldn't help myself daaamn need to just play better in the 1st half.
Oh how I would love to see the look on all our haters faces when they wake up tomorrow and see we won. I’m looking at you FSU/UF.
I live in a mostly FSU household here near Tally, and plenty UF acquaintances, and had 2 "now you know how it feels to have your team suck, too"...

WRONG! Cause im feeling pretty great right now (even if there were some flaws along the way)