Rivers out for season

This board would've cried rivers of tears if this summer we found out:

Don Chaney would miss most of the season
Jalen Rivers would miss most of the season
John Campbell would miss the season.
Sam Brooks would miss half the season.
Avantae Williams would miss half the season.
Keontra Smith would miss half the season.
Jaylan Knighton would miss a quarter of the season.
Derig King would miss games.
Brian Balom would miss the season.

The coaching staff nor the talent on the roster is good enough to overcome these injuries.
This is so depressing. Waited months and months for football season.

Can’t believe we aren’t in October yet and both Miami football teams seasons are over.

I’m truly not seeing the payoff in watching on Saturdays and Sundays. We are not even entertaining.
Go Cavs! Go Heels!
It’s only a matter of time before manny starts using the injuries excuss. Even though we were very healthy starting the season.
"Well you know King coming off that leg injury last season and needed some time to settle and get back into it you know. It's tough coming back from an injury like that so quick. And he works hard and tries hard and I thought he could continue to get better...."
This is so depressing. Waited months and months for football season.

Can’t believe we aren’t in October yet and both Miami football teams seasons are over.

I’m truly not seeing the payoff in watching on Saturdays and Sundays. We are not even entertaining.
Like it was from 2013 to 2015 and again in 2019, supporting the program is now sacrifice. I'll keep doing it and so will approximately 20k others, but I know it means 10s of thousands of others will go the other way.

That means lots of lost dollars. At some point, someone with basic math skills will see what that means for the football program, athletic department, and University at large.

When you start adding in opportunity costs, the numbers are enormous for a program that consistently cries about limited resources.
Sucks for the kids, big time.

Sucks to a lesser extent for fans and the state of the program as injuries are now setting up to give Diaz and Miami a pass for a rough third season.

"We lost Don Chaney for the year early on, we lost Keontra Smith for half the season, Jalen Rivers went down for the year and D'Eriq was banged up early, leading to a rough start to the season. Throw in a few suspensions of guys that weren't putting team first—Jaylon Knighton and Avante Williams—and you can see why this came came out the gates flat."

Diaz will spin this to try and save his ***.
And people would actually buy that. It's sad, really.
This is why we shouldn’t block people. It’s dangerous. Use pass pro but from a socially distanced position.

Get well soon Jalen!
If King is out for the year, could he get a medical redshirt? Not sure if I would want him to stay but considering he is raking in NIL money it may motivate him if he is able to stick it out one more year.
nah, thank you for your service type of situation and move on with the young guns!
Man in my opinion it’s too late for Manny regardless of all the injuries. We got about 10-15 other upper class guys playing and they are all trash. I really dont see this team redeeming itself at any point.
The guys listed are all FR/FR(RS). All of the 4th/5th year guys are trash. This season is over before it began.
It’s only a matter of time before manny starts using the injuries excuss. Even though we were very healthy starting the season.

In game 2 we looked like ***. In game 3 (Mich State), we looked worst. And most of our injuries are to players that have been in the program for a year or two. I really hate Manny, and I hate that the players are getting injured at a high clip. Because it does give Manny wiggle room now to use it as an excuse, which he will.
If they go on a 8 game streak and get to 9 wins it could save him. Is that’s possible? I doubt it. As of now everyone including players know he’s done.
Don’t want Mandy to walk into a miracle and plant his claim to anything. Now, if Manny wants to execute a miraculous coaching cojones move and turn the season around, I’d hold off on wanting his head to roll for now.