Rick Scott says no Law Enforcement will be provided for game


The Gov is ****ed that we are playing.

Miami = Private, so we have a different set of rules.
He's talking about FHP which provide security for the coaches. The police on duty at the stadium are local cops. I think old Skeletor is ****ed that he tried to scare a bunch of Floridians ("this storm WILL kill you") and we all laughed as his corny ***. **** him. Keep your bony skeleton *** up in north Florida.

Or better yet, he should take his carpet bagging *** back to Texas.
With so many people unable to attend the game now, won't we have a lot of empty seats? I was hoping they'd let people in for free starting in the 2nd quarter. Do whatever possible to fill the stadium up for this game. Out of towners with tickets are just gonna be sitting on them (if they canceled their travel plans)
nobody likes the police anyway, you get your *** kicked by some weak *** FSU fans that's on you.
I'm sure the canesspittleradio dude is salivating more than normal today with this news.

Give em **** Unk Spittle!

Tio baba!
How the **** did a majority of anyone anywhere voluntarily select this googly eyed maniac to run anything? He can't even fake sincerity like most politicians. Did the guy he beat immediately hang himself afterward in shame?
Like has been said several times on this thread, it's not going to have an impact. It's the local cops that handle all the traffic in the parking lots and so forth. The only time I ever see the state troopers are a couple of them on the field with the coaches. That's it. Again it's just this governor grandstanding so he can get more attention.
How the **** did a majority of anyone anywhere voluntarily select this googly eyed maniac to run anything? He can't even fake sincerity like most politicians. Did the guy he beat immediately hang himself afterward in shame?

I thought you knew Voldermort was a sorcerer. He cheated death. Winning elections is childs play for him.