Richt responds to criticism, preps for Duke

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What are his sons qualifications to make him a QB coach? This reminds me of Shula and his son coaching receivers Clayton and Duper when he couldn't make a NFL team as a receiver himself. Clayton and Duper were the best in the league.
What are his sons qualifications to make him a QB coach? This reminds me of Shula and his son coaching receivers Clayton and Duper when he couldn't make a NFL team as a receiver himself. Clayton and Duper were the best in the league.

Similar to Browns qualifications to be OC. But even less.

Put another way, it’s be like the Blue Angels hiring any random CiS porster to fly with them.
Just looking at this board let's me know we got the right man for the job, he doesnt give 2 rats nickles and that's just what we need, a headcoach that's not sensitive, that's that goon in em. Coach thomas brown could careless as well. Coach dugans is doing his thang as well as the defensive side of the ball. This is the time when we become a real team, with this type of small adversity, the real process of getting better. The championship system is in place, itll be up to the players real soon. Im luvin this part of the rebuilding process, lets us know who's who. F em coach richt, keep doing what you know to do, the trophies will be on the way shortly like you deserve. Alot of the circus acts on here want to act as if we were suppose to win it all this year!
Too bad most of our ****** fans won't go to the game and the players/recruits will notice
There is no reason not to play Perry. And the offensive struggles would at least be more excusable under Perry as he learns from his mistakes.
Well, there IS a "possible" reason. I don't know if this is true or not; but he's definitely in the doghouse and reportedly not only for dumb things (the 100's tweet) but for attitude...

…,maybe classes, playbook, study, films... but there have also been some reports of attitude towards the coaches. Learning from mistakes is cool, but saying "I know what I'm doing" or "Don't worry I got this" - IF that occurred, is NOT "learning from mistakes" in the way that's needed.
What are his sons qualifications to make him a QB coach? This reminds me of Shula and his son coaching receivers Clayton and Duper when he couldn't make a NFL team as a receiver himself. Clayton and Duper were the best in the league.
You stirred up a memory. 50 cents admission, moved to the 50-yard line, for Dolphins first game in OB versus KC Chiefs. Lost 35-0 and the QB was beyond Rosier-hopeless. His name was George Wilson Jr.

Dolphins HC? George Wilson, Sr. Need I say more?
Just looking at this board let's me know we got the right man for the job, he doesnt give 2 rats nickles and that's just what we need, a headcoach that's not sensitive, that's that goon in em. Coach thomas brown could careless as well. Coach dugans is doing his thang as well as the defensive side of the ball. This is the time when we become a real team, with this type of small adversity, the real process of getting better. The championship system is in place, itll be up to the players real soon. Im luvin this part of the rebuilding process, lets us know who's who. F em coach richt, keep doing what you know to do, the trophies will be on the way shortly like you deserve. Alot of the circus acts on here want to act as if we were suppose to win it all this year!
yeah, like the same trophies he got in 15yrs at UGA...His *** about to be met with some good ole sFL love from this point on. He will be begging to settle for a buyout. Boos, boycotts and banners will only be the beginning to his miseries...I can tell you have no football IQ so I won't get into what constitutes managing a football program or running an effective offensive system. You support mediocrity and probably came over from UGA with Richt. Crawl back in your sewer until Richt rides by and scoops you up.
Here’s the problem, plays aren’t working and aren’t being executed because the opposing defense knows what we are going to do and the simplicity of the offense is rearing it’s ugly head. They have a bead on what we are going to do every single play, do some misdirection so they could have unclog some of that up the middle every time we do the SAME zone read play. Putting motions in our offense will create better opportunities for our players.

Richt is also trying to run a spread but predetermine reads before the plays which is why we struggle so **** bad throwing the ball. What spread offense you know operates like that? Richt is trying to run something he don’t know how to run and it’s holding us back
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Stefan Adams said:
After Tuesday’s practice, head coach Mark Richt responded to criticism of his play-calling, saying that the offense simply needs to execute the calls better.
So .... Mork is defending his playcalling by blaming the players for poor execution.

Here's his problem ...... by blaming the players, he is making an indictment of his ability to coach his players.
Miami is over halfway into the season, and executing plays should in no way be any kind of a problem. That's poor coaching.

Either way Mork just ***ked himself. He is either a failure as a playcaller or he is a failure as a coach.
He picked failure as a coach.
Here’s the problem, plays aren’t working and aren’t being executed because the opposing defense knows what we are going to do and the simplicity of the offense is rearing it’s ugly head. They have a bead on what we are going to do every single play, do some misdirection so they could have unclog some of that up the middle every time we do the SAME zone read play. Putting motions in our offense will create better opportunities for a players.

Richt is also trying to run a spread but predetermine reads before the plays which is why we struggle so **** bad throwing the ball. What spread offense you know operates like that? Richt is trying to run something he don’t know how to run and it’s holding us back

Funny bc that’s Yosts offense (pre determined reads)and if you listened to the board is the next coming of Andy Reid yet he’s been in the business 15 years and is the OC at Utah St.

Richt deserves a lot of heat for the O but the mob mentality on here like he needs to be fired is ******* hilarious. Get real.
he's starting to sound more and more like Al every day blaming his shtty offense on everything and everyone but himself.

We are FCKED guys.This guy thinks he's Bill Walsh or Don Coryell when in reality he's stuck in the dark ages with his 5 plays.

We’ve all seen this movie play out before, Richts stubborn *** will go the way of Al Golden. We’re fuqd.
F Richt and his bs excuses. Don’t blame the players. Freshman are balling all over America but our freshman here are making too many mistakes.. lol

I feel bad for these players. The offensive coaches are throwing them under the bus and that ain’t cool. Your getting paid $4 million a year and you blame kids.. good job Corch Richt
Blake needs to put a gag order on MR. The more he speaks the more ignorant he sounds...insinuating our ignorance. Anyone w access have the balls to ask him our P-5 record of late...that’s how good his hand full of plays work. The problem is there is no offensive game plan...they just show up and call his wonderful antiquated plays. Which may actually work...if there was actually a Gameplan. We’re getting our asses handed to us by inferior talent because we are out coached and out prepared.
yeah, like the same trophies he got in 15yrs at UGA...His *** about to be met with some good ole sFL love from this point on. He will be begging to settle for a buyout. Boos, boycotts and banners will only be the beginning to his miseries...I can tell you have no football IQ so I won't get into what constitutes managing a football program or running an effective offensive system. You support mediocrity and probably came over from UGA with Richt. Crawl back in your sewer until Richt rides by and scoops you up.

It's obvious you are one of the new 30 for 30 UM fans, welcome, and enjoy the journey back to the top. Also, stay out of the drive thru's, that type of food makes you have a that microwave mentality, and be wishy washy. Dont be one of the ones who celebraated the wins over Fsu, V-tech and notre shame last year, along with the 10 game winning streak, than come this year acting as if coach richt is suppose to have an all world offense with the current o-line and True freshmen tightend blocking. Most on here who have no clue about football thought the irvin injury was no big deal cause brevin was here, silly rabbits, tricks are made for kids. All these offensive experts on this board are clueless.

Ill as you the same question genius, how much winning and trophies did schnelly, jimmy, dennis or butch do before becoming the headcoaches at UM, which one or all of them combined have a better record than coach richt before coming here. Also, you can combine your winning percentage with there's to as a headcoach, coach or the games you won on tecmo bowl or playstation with there's, to see how yall stack up to coach richt, please enlighten us. Alot of these so called UM fans are fickle, begging for butch davis, but would've been the same ones trying to run him out of town during the rebuilding process. Do yourself a favor and dont be a drum major for the clueless brigrade, somehow you think we are suppose to be the coastal or acc champs with tyree st. louis along with our all dollartree guards in Jahir jones and hayden mahoney, and a guard playing right tackle in navaughn donaldson. Now scaife, brevin and mallory 3 all True freshmen are suppose to be better blockers than irvin and polendey, ok, maybe you have a point!
"Everyone else seems in a tizzy." Here's my question corch...Why the **** are you and your staff and the whole offense not in a F'in tizzy?! You have scored a total of 27 points in two games. Your QB can't hit the broad side of a barn and your offensive line is a revolving door. Your play calling is being made fun of on national TV. So I ask again corch, why are you not in a tizzy?

He’s not in a tizzy because he’s showing us he doesn’t care enough about winning. He’s decided to go down with the “we’re geniuses, but the players can’t execute our genius plans” ship instead of fixing (I don’t think he’s capable of fixing it in reality) what is the obvious problem to the rest of the world.
He's getting paid $4,000,000.00 a year to deflect blame?? Jeezuz Cryst he should be arrested for fraud, grand-theft and racketeering.