Richt on Joe Rose 12/20

Probably this, if he doesn’t have his loi he should stfu.

He gets played more than the 70 year old at the strip club
He gets played more often than Ray Donovan gets punched in the face. It’s a truly pathetic clown show down there.

If the BOT/Admins standard is to be above .500, we’ve officially become an Indiana/Arizona State type program. Losing 1 coastal game is unacceptable in its current state. That UF game looms large to open next season.
Dude I'm not arguing with you, but I think that's the reality. Just don't see us eating the salary it would take to make a switch this soon (sadly). IMO it would take a losing season or some kind of similar debacle (think Clemson 58-0). Speaking of, I think we were in exactly the same boat with golden until that Clemson loss forced Blake into action sooner than planned. I guess we could always hope for a game like that this year lol. Sad, sad times.
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Explain the waiting on a game to announce? There is only 2 targets that was waiting on any type of game to announce.
Your correct. But nothing surprises me anymore.
It’s acrtully more surprising that people bought into the Hasselwood drama. Even more surprising when people say bags had nothing to do with it.
But it’s the world we live in. We have become sheep.

Yellow cake and wmd’s
You’ll know what’s in it when we pass it
You can keep your doctor
Mexico will pay for it
Hazelnuts and fields are a package to miami
Explain the waiting on a game to announce? There is only 2 targets that was waiting on any type of game to announce.

I would just say that it could be a recruit we don’t know about. A total surprise. It is rare but it has happened before.
Also we don’t know what “game” it is.
There are a lot of “all star” games that are not the prestigious ones.
From the guy I talk to on Twitter it’s Stevenson and basically the situation is his mom was getting a bag from Georgia when they get his signature but he doesn’t want to be involved in that and wants to be at Miami. He told everyone including his mom he was signing Friday to get her off his back and signed yesterday and sent it in without her knowing so there was nothing she could do.

No bags for her lmao if that story is true. I don’t know the guy personally just from talking on Twitter and talking about recruits in south Florida when I was recruiting at ETSU. He is well connected
We aren’t even the top 30 and y’all worried bout who it is? Y’all kidding me? It’s great news we are getting anyone. Period.

I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO SLIP UP AND IT FINALLY HAPPENED! The .Period. Is the dead @brock post giveaway. Hahahahaha get off your burner account.

I would just say that it could be a recruit we don’t know about. A total surprise. It is rare but it has happened before.
Also we don’t know what “game” it is.
There are a lot of “all star” games that are not the prestigious ones.
I said that is planning to announce at any type of game.
From the guy I talk to on Twitter it’s Stevenson and basically the situation is his mom was getting a bag from Georgia when they get his signature but he doesn’t want to be involved in that and wants to be at Miami. He told everyone including his mom he was signing Friday to get her off his back and signed yesterday and sent it in without her knowing so there was nothing she could do.

No bags for her lmao if that story is true. I don’t know the guy personally just from talking on Twitter and talking about recruits in south Florida when I was recruiting at ETSU. He is well connected

ricky is the SFE dude
From the guy I talk to on Twitter it’s Stevenson and basically the situation is his mom was getting a bag from Georgia when they get his signature but he doesn’t want to be involved in that and wants to be at Miami. He told everyone including his mom he was signing Friday to get her off his back and signed yesterday and sent it in without her knowing so there was nothing she could do.

No bags for her lmao if that story is true. I don’t know the guy personally just from talking on Twitter and talking about recruits in south Florida when I was recruiting at ETSU. He is well connected

Not saying that this is not true but they've just announced ElGammal. So...
From the guy I talk to on Twitter it’s Stevenson and basically the situation is his mom was getting a bag from Georgia when they get his signature but he doesn’t want to be involved in that and wants to be at Miami. He told everyone including his mom he was signing Friday to get her off his back and signed yesterday and sent it in without her knowing so there was nothing she could do.

No bags for her lmao if that story is true. I don’t know the guy personally just from talking on Twitter and talking about recruits in south Florida when I was recruiting at ETSU. He is well connected
Problem with that is, I'm pretty sure a legal guardian has to sign it as well. Unless his dad or another legal guardian did