Richt had only 2 months to recruit


Jan 29, 2016
I'm not thrilled with the recruiting class either but a lot of people are failing to keep this in mind. He was not hired until December 4. Basically this is Golden's class more so than Richt's. Golden was fired on October 25th. I don't know if anybody was really recruiting for Miami between October 25th and December 4th. If you're an interim HC who knows you won't be back next year, is there much point in recruiting?

this class is still good enough based on the circumstances, and I think better that the class we would have ended up with if Golden was retained.
We got 18 really good kids and finish 20th in the country. Richt is not going to just fill up the class for the sake of numbers. Last year Michigan only signed 16 vs 29 yesterday. I know people always say "wait till next year." But this time I think it's different. If Richt can get the players to look good, win or lose, Miami will have a monster squad17.
Anyone saying they aren't thrilled with the recruiting class is bat sh*t crazy. The blue chip percentage(4star or higher) in this class alone is 58.8 percent..., only 6 or 7 have a higher percentage in the country.... For comparison Florida only has 39%...
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1) This class is solid. Please don't short sell it because of who it is not. See it for who it is.

2) CMR was hired on 12/4 but had WAY LESS time than that to recruit. His first order of bidnizz was to assemble a staff. His recruiting efforts probably didn't start until the holidays. So in essence he and his staff only had about a month to shore up the class.
1) This class is solid. Please don't short sell it because of who it is not. See it for who it is.

2) CMR was hired on 12/4 but had WAY LESS time than that to recruit. His first order of bidnizz was to assemble a staff. His recruiting efforts probably didn't start until the holidays. So in essence he and his staff only had about a month to shore up the class.

disagree. He was smart enough to hit the ground recruiting all the early enrollee's first seeing how he knew a dead period was around the corner. He used the existing staff to recruit those kids and accessed the current staff during that time. I remember it looked like he didn't even change his close for the first week. Showed up to watch Pickney at the State Championship game smelling like straight *** and snorting "powder form 5hour energy" to stay up.

The only real time he was able to allocate to recruiting any new recruits though was probably less than a month due to the dead periods..

This dude should slaughter it next year though! Cant wait!
1) This class is solid. Please don't short sell it because of who it is not. See it for who it is.

2) CMR was hired on 12/4 but had WAY LESS time than that to recruit. His first order of bidnizz was to assemble a staff. His recruiting efforts probably didn't start until the holidays. So in essence he and his staff only had about a month to shore up the class.

disagree. He was smart enough to hit the ground recruiting all the early enrollee's first seeing how he knew a dead period was around the corner. He used the existing staff to recruit those kids and accessed the current staff during that time. I remember it looked like he didn't even change his close for the first week. Showed up to watch Pickney at the State Championship game smelling like straight *** and snorting "powder form 5hour energy" to stay up.

The only real time he was able to allocate to recruiting any new recruits though was probably less than a month due to the dead periods..

This dude should slaughter it next year though! Cant wait!

Whatever the case, its fair to say that his efforts had to be divided during that first month; That said, point taken on your info about what he was doing during that initial period. Good stuff.

We're definitely in clear agreement that next year should bring in a truly complete class full of elite talent. Kinda related: I normally like seeing UM having a very tough schedule but Im thankful that we have such a weak schedule this fall. We should be able to win 10+ games and be in the ACC title game for the first time since the midget she-devil moved us to this conference. That should give CMR all the ammo he needs to convince the super elite level kids to want to sign with UM.
My first impression of this class was that it was full of high achievers. Not one long shot.
A big difference from previous year classes.
We reloaded where we needed to even though it was a small class.
I am always hoping for some killer defensive tackles something we have been missing. There has to be another Warren Sapp out there in South Florida that wants to come to Miami. To me this is the one position that makes or breaks a successful team.

I'm not thrilled with the recruiting class either but a lot of people are failing to keep this in mind. He was not hired until December 4. Basically this is Golden's class more so than Richt's. Golden was fired on October 25th. I don't know if anybody was really recruiting for Miami between October 25th and December 4th. If you're an interim HC who knows you won't be back next year, is there much point in recruiting?

What's not to be thrilled about? What, b/c these outlets said we had a top 25 class vs a top 10 class? In the words of Jay Z "Hov, there ain't many of us, I told him, less is more, ninja. It's plenty of us."

We have a solid class! Compare Golden's first transition recruiting year w/ Richt's. 60% of our "small" class are ESPN 300 guys. Richt went with quality over quantity this cycle. Did we miss out on some? Of course...we got slow played by two cats who used us. That happens....but we got some guys who were not in the picture or who were bout to bounce.

Based upon talent alone, I think we have a top 15 class....and if not mistaken, ESPN has us as such, as well. If we had shear numbers, we would've be a top 12 class....but I believe Richt did yeoman's work for the short period of time, and I'm convinced w a whole year under his belt, our fence around the state will move further up outside of the tri-county area. We won't keep everyone home, but we'll definitely keep most important players home.
the dead period alone cut his time almost in half. He really had closer to a month to recruit and that recruitment had to begin with the guys already in this class who were on the fence, and the recent decommitments, McCloud and Richards. He was in the stands with Shaq at the playoffs 3 days after he was hired. If he had ignored the early enrollee guys in December, at least 1 or two wouldn't be here now. Then he has from Jan 11th - 29th (Not even 3 weeks) to keep the rest of this class from folding and try to fill in the gaps in the class/roster with new recruits. Expecting much more that what we got would be unrealistic at best. I'm disappointed, for sure. Disappointed in Byrd, Williams, Davis, Wimms, Southall, **** throw Whaley and Eason in there too. I just don't think it's fair to blame Richt and staff.
1) This class is solid. Please don't short sell it because of who it is not. See it for who it is.

2) CMR was hired on 12/4 but had WAY LESS time than that to recruit. His first order of bidnizz was to assemble a staff. His recruiting efforts probably didn't start until the holidays. So in essence he and his staff only had about a month to shore up the class.

Perhaps it's just me, but I love this class. Sure we needed 1-2 more DB's (critical need) and one more WR, but I like this class a lot. Of the 18 signees, at least 13 are what you'd consider potential "difference makers", (72% of this class) and a guy like Jeff James, has high upside potential, imo. The safety group, at large, is top notch.

Of the 18 signees, 10 were ESPN top 300 (56% of the class)

We signed perhaps the best RB prospect in Florida

If Mullins qualifies, who will have signed a more dynamic WR corps than Miami? Haskins is a terrific all around natural athlete with size (what you want in a TE prospect), and the upside is there.

Allison is one of the best QB prospects in this class, and he will have the luxury to learn from Heisman hopefull (potential first rd draft pick) and he will be pushed by Sherrifs.

Joe Jackson is the best DE recruit in America, and I don't care what anyone says. He has freakish athleticism, explosiveness, and a ridiculous first step. He has the best DL coach in the game tutoring him, and he's going to be pushed everyday by AQM and Chad. Sky is the limit for that kid.

And I didn't even include Tryiec Martin in that group. Coach Kool is extremely high on him, and has recruited him for a while. He's a quick, high motor guy (something you can't teach) that will grow and get bigger, stronger.
Check out Shannon and Goldens first classes and get back to me.

Golden left us in great shape recruiting wise already had a bunch of 4 star early enrolls i think most are dissapointed richt couldnt make the class better it actually got worse
Check out Shannon and Goldens first classes and get back to me.

This class (88.32) was rated higher per player than any of Golden's classes. Also several of these kids are severely underrated.

Shannon first year was his best class and its avg rating was 88.40

Shannon did not have a complete turnover of staff and his class was anchored by Miami Northwestern which was his alma matter and which were all committed firmly before Shannon took over. That class also was lead by 5 stars Arthur Brown and Marcus Fortson who were anything but 5 stars. It also had 32 kids in it. There were more kids in that class that never did anything significant at the U then there are kids in this class all together.

One thing is for sure this class is now up to different standards.