
That '94 Miami-FSU game was probably my 2nd favorite one vs. FSU (behind the '00 victory), I was also sitting in the WEZ, and I will agree that the Carlos Jones interception was the loudest I've ever heard the OB. I am flying in for the game (haven't missed UM/FSU in Miami since '90) and while I'm excited about the game, some of the luster is missing not just because we're not good, and not just because I think we may get killed, but because the game isn't in the OB.

I know that some of the classic Miami/FSU games were high noon shootouts (like Wide Right II, the Drive and Wide Left), but some of my favorite memories are of walking up to the OB for a night game against FSU, with the buzz and intensity of what was to come. The OB was part of the Miami/FSU experience and now, for the last few FSU games, even though the stadium got loud, there was something obvious missing from the entire feeling of the game. I hope that we play well enough that the fans can try to be a factor and give us the home-field advantage, but even if our team returns to greatness, i don't think that we'll ever have the same home-field advantage in that stadium.
Man I miss that place so much, I miss the bathrooms that smell like ******* and the like rusty water dripping on ur as u walk under the stands. Those orange seats, so uncomfortable, didn't matter its what made the OB what it was. I was lucky when I was little my dad worked for the city overlooking all their venues so every Saturday for me from1998-2004 I was on the field with a field pass standing right there next to the smoke as its going off. Great memories .
Dude, we were so ******* nasty. What the **** happened? We need to get back to that level. Golden needs to keep recruiting top talent. Antrelle Rolle was a 3rd string safety. Portis, McGahee, Gore playing in the same freaking game, on and on and on. There is not a scheme that can mask our lack of talent right now.

"I'm sure the penalty is excessive celebration, I am not sure Miami cares right now."
Great post, good sir. Last time the OB got a fraction that loud was the '07 Texas A&M Thursday nighter.

That game was awesome, had the classic C-A-N-E-S cheer huge, deafening effect on an opponent. We just scored, and just before the kickoff all those A&M guys had no idea what was about to hit them, as Sebastian struts out there to the U at the 50, does the ole summo stomp and sleeve rollup thing in build up, and the loudest CANES cheer I think I ever heard went off from all of us. At the CANES! exclamation shout at the end of it you could actually see the A&M players flinch from it, ducked as if the roof was coming down on them - it was so effing intimidating!

WAAAHHHH I miss my OB!
Letting go of the OB will forever haunt us. She was nasty and the Canes just loved playing in it. IMO the worst decision ever by ALL involved was letting her go. Any canes fan knew what a complete ***** up it was when they decided against keeping the lease/rennovation plans. Most of us did not mind one bit the condition she was in because one single play would make you forget about it. Out of all the bad decisions this city has done THIS ONE WAS THE WORST. I bet this weekends line would not be 20 freaking points if the game would be held at the OB. The OB and the canes were made for each other and every freaking person in the nation knew that except of course the morons that let this happen.

Letting go of the OB will forever haunt us. She was nasty and the Canes just loved playing in it. IMO the worst decision ever by ALL involved was letting her go. Any canes fan knew what a complete ***** up it was when they decided against keeping the lease/rennovation plans. Most of us did not mind one bit the condition she was in because one single play would make you forget about it. Out of all the bad decisions this city has done THIS ONE WAS THE WORST. I bet this weekends line would not be 20 freaking points if the game would be held at the OB. The OB and the canes were made for each other and every freaking person in the nation knew that except of course the morons that let this happen.

Fine post
That whole 2001 team was scary good. But, I think maybe I've under-appreciated how good Portis was. That guy knew where the goal line was.
Since we're remembering her. Loudest I ever heard that place was when Washington came down in 2001 after beating us the previous year. I just got goose bumps remembering how insane it was from the start to the finish.


God ****...CP ran so fuc king hard...dude was through the LoS before the defense knew what hit them...
Smh...I knew we were going to run train on them that night...was just nasty what we did to them boys
I was seated in the closed end of the OB that night in '94, what an amazing moment that was. I think the only moment that comes close for me is Hester's KO return against the Gators. **** I miss the OB.

Hester's KO return was the loudest I ever heard the place. I thought the place was literally going to come apart.