Refs & Homefield disadvantage

I was thinking that I was just biased on the 100 false starts that GT had that went uncalled. But I guess you guys saw it too. It also stood out that they had no holding penalties.

You know what else stood out? I don't know if you guys saw it, but at some point in the 4th quarter a GT player clearly punched McDermott in the head right in front of the scumbag official, and he didn't call it. It was plain as day a vicious straight right hand to the head, and the scumbag just ignored it.

I saw that too!!! Absolutely no reaction out of McDermott either. If there wasn't going to be a flag thrown he should have at least been aloud to hit buddy back.
The spots and GT's lack of holding was extremely questionable but on the last TD that is a flag. The whole sideline ran over there lol
Too many people seeing the same thing for it to just be a coincidence. Those Jokers were clearly from the Terry Porter school of officiating. I saw an intentional face mask after the whistle that went uncalled also; I believe that was early in the 4th quarter.
I hope the athletic department complains to the ACC about it if the refs were really as bad as they sound. I'm just now getting to watch the game(DVR). Definitely saw the non-delay of game call on the first drive though!!!
I know it was mentioned before. But, How were they getting away with so many chop blocks? Our D-linemen were engaged and here comes another O-lineman at their legs. How the **** do you not flag that? Also, the punch to McD's head would have gotten the player ejected if he was wearing a U.
Just watched the Stanford/Washington game and Stanford got a heap of (home field advantage) calls. Not saying refs go out their way to be one sided but some of those little calls (spots, false starts etc) make a massive difference and you would think lean towards the home team, that's just the way it goes.
What ever, we won and we don't need to see that ******* **** offence till next yr.
We are talking about a sport where boosters organize 18-21 year old blonde chicks to go out and have *** with 17 year old it really far fetched that in a sport of hundreds of refs that some of them are gambling, display personal bias, or are being paid off outright? The refereeing across FBS is a disgrace, and directly led to a UGA win in what could have been a massive fall of an SEC contender.
I actually just watched the Gunter INT TD again and cant figure out where the celebration penalty took place.

Just nothing there.

Yeah, if you were at the game you would have noticed we had about 3/4 of the team down in the end zone area celebrating after the TD. Going to get a call every time, but if you are going to get one, that was the time to do it. Game was iced and only a minute or two left.
We are the only undefeated team in the nation, who's conference tries to ***** them.
The refs ****ed us out of a 3 and out in the first half with a ****** spot. What happens? GT marches up the field. Those spots were criminal. I hope someone sends reviews the footage. This shouldn't be happening.

Also, the offsides stuff was hilarious. They called us inside the red zone, but turned a blind eye to it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL game, especially the first quarter.

We, ultimately, shot ourselves in the foot with those turnovers, though. Score should have been extremely lopsided.

Also, we should not be allowing teams to score points in garbage time. That is a major issue.
While refs were ensuring UGA and OSU won their games, our refs were trying to ***** us over and prevent a 3rd undefeated team in the ACC.
Wow, those two spots are pretty bad, from the end zone where I was I couldn't see that however I did see the GT player hit McDermott. Not sure what if anything can be done other than just keep out working them. It's been a long time since this Canes fan has seen our Canes dominating in the 4th quarter like they have. GO CANES
It defies logic that each conference has their own refs. If the NCAA wants to make themselves more relevant - this is an easy move to make.