Didn't we learn that we aren't as amazing as Famu would have us believe . . . we aren't as flat as Fau would have us believe . . . App St wasn't as slaying as the media would've had us believe . . .
My guess is we won't be as great, flat, or terrible as GT will have us looking in two weeks. The improvement has been awesome to watch. But maybe we need the congresswoman from florida to help us do a little fact check and no I'm not talking about irvin meyers, tim tevo, or percy harveys . . . We are thin in the defensive backfield. We are young and thin at linebacker. I will say, seeing Smith and Owens give us anything has been a pleasant surprise. I love our front 4 talent and depth wise! Our OL has played better, but Im not sold on them just yet. Big improvement though. We are thin at wr. I love our tightends, though they haven't exactly balled out yet this year. I love the RBs, they are talented and we have some depth. It is clear that Gus the bus is falling behind the top 2. Whats not to love about BK?
Anyone that thinks no remaining opponents should beat us is not dealing in reality. Anyone that thinks we can't beat every remaining opponent hasn't watched CFB this year. We are 3-0 now. At 3-0 are we anywhere other than where we all thought we would be? Is 9-3 still the bar for this season?
We're good. Get over it.
10 wins.
We're in the freakin coastal for God sake
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It sounds like you are being a really awesome cheerleader right now. And I can't say anything Ive seen from you would indicate that your love for the U isn't genuine. But when you say were good get over it 10 wins you really pigeon hole yourself. I do think we are much improved. I do think we are a solid top 25 team based on what I have seen thus far. Remaining games:
GT in Atlanta
FSU at home
UNC at home
VT in Blacksburg
Notre Dame in South Bend
Pitt at home
Virginia in Charlottesville
NC State in Raleigh
Duke at home
So 9 games left. I would love to see us win 10 games. I don't see it. Every break would probably have to go our way. We would have to see this in order to get to 10 wins:
BK has to stay healthy
Walton and Yearby have to keep balling out
The OL has to get better
Williams has to keep being a beast
We have to stay healthy at wr. We need 1-2 to really step up and be threats.
The TEs have to capitalize on attention given to shut down 2 wrs.
The front 4 have got to continue disrupting and dominating along with staying healthy.
The backers have to continue their play and development along with staying healthy.
The back 4 have to get better.
Kicking has to stay strong.
Coverages on kicks have to tighten up.
Did I say we must collectively stay healthy? The coaching staff has to stay strong and not make any Golden/Shannon/Cokerish blunders.
That is a long ******* list. Want to see it!