247 guy, David Lake, says LSU is the favorite right now
He is guessing.
I don't care what David Lake says. You haven't figured out how the 247 game runs? Recruit visits school, Reporter asks recruit about visit, recruit says visit went (insert positive adjective here), writer CB's recruit to last visited school. I'll believe it when it comes outta the horse's mouth. If LSU leads, I'll let you know...
Cool. Campbell was also quoted today saying he's tired of the recruiting process and will probably make his choice soon… Gettem Rattler
Will do, my Cane Brother. It's his decision and I don't meddle but I can't just sit quietly because I loathe Urban.... I've told him before and I'll tell him again, there's only one DB coach that he KNOWS is gonna have his back like family, no matter what. God forbid, but if something happened to him and he had to stop playing, there's only one guy who's gonna make sure he's not chewed up and spit out by the cold emotionless machine that is big-time college football.
you keep it real. that's what family is supposed to do! the most important things for these kids to realize, is that they have 60 years of life after football. it's about the big picture, and you know traveling through your life with that UM diploma on your wall is worth a heck of a lot more than whatever feel good BS those guys like Meyer and Saban are selling.