Recruiting Update 12/13

Nothing is set in stone, but the giving scholies to their buddies thing is going to hurt us. These kids are naive and foolish. They dont know any better. People here thinking that this is going to bite FSU in the @ss? Why? They can just cut the JAGs next year and send them home. Not like most of next years kids are going to know jack about it. There are lots of ways coaches can shove kids out the door without it being overt or scandalous. By then they have the kid they want, and they know that kid isnt going to transfer now.

Why it hurts us, is that Coley is not some UM die hard kid.. He's probably about evenly split right now, so anything that helps tilt the odds in FSU's favor is going to hurt us. I just hope Al is ready to fight dirty against Jimbo. If we do lose kids like Coley over these "package" deals, I hope he keeps tabs on all of it, and uses it to F8ck Jimbo next time he pulls this sh8t, because you have to believe Jimbo is going to cut those "buddies" loose as soon as he can.

If this ends up being the case, HS coaches don't take to kindly to their kids getting treated poorly in college. It would hurt them if your scenario plays out.

This is literally math

1 Wilder JR
1 Freeman
= 2 established starting RB who will start over Collins. Collins gets washup duty and special plays 1-3 a game

1 Duke
= 1 RB who needs a ******* legit running back tandem who should be Alex Collins

Do they teach math at South Plantation

Our fans need to stop thinking like this. These top kids aren't afraid of competition, they think they can beat out who is already there. I want kids like that on my team.
UM is getting Coley and Collins.

Correct. All that package deal crap is overplayed by the recruitniks.

"Package deals" might be overplayed directly...but playing with your buddies is not. It is definitely a draw and it happens a lot. I don't think I need to list may nor may not have an effect with some of the players we are talking about currently, but it has effected Miami in the past and it has helped plenty of schools get a group of players.
As in Malcolm Lewis and Tracy Howard

Or, Keith Brown and his bother...or Geno Smiff/Stedman Bailey and Stick McCartney....or Jamie Harper and Daniel Andrews...

"Overplayed"...well, that depends on your opinion, but it isn't some idea that comes outtadawoodwerks...its got some merit to it.
This is literally math

1 Wilder JR
1 Freeman
= 2 established starting RB who will start over Collins. Collins gets washup duty and special plays 1-3 a game

1 Duke
= 1 RB who needs a ******* legit running back tandem who should be Alex Collins

Do they teach math at South Plantation

Collins would start over both of those backs day one. Just ask him. Kid's better than Duke too.
Becareful bashing recruits friends, they do check these boards as well. If he's on the fence, seeing a fan base trash his friend isn't going to help. Let's just hope, they choose the best school for them and their future....and realize what we already do. With that, there's 2 months of recruiting left. Have faith in the Golden plan. There are a lot of DT's out there, and KB can either take the opportunity or we can move on.

Thank you. Such a simple concept.
Would you take a JAG, many of which we have, if it secures a potential stud? Maybe. I mean, I'd offer a scrub for Collins to come. I'd so the same for a kid like Sammy Watkins or other potential difference-makers. In retrospect, would you guys offer a JAG if it meant securing Duke? Answer: **** yea. I don't think FSU is necessarily erring here.
I agree with Cane4life.

Nothing is set in stone, but the giving scholies to their buddies thing is going to hurt us. These kids are naive and foolish. They dont know any better. People here thinking that this is going to bite FSU in the @ss? Why? They can just cut the JAGs next year and send them home. Not like most of next years kids are going to know jack about it. There are lots of ways coaches can shove kids out the door without it being overt or scandalous. By then they have the kid they want, and they know that kid isnt going to transfer now.

Why it hurts us, is that Coley is not some UM die hard kid.. He's probably about evenly split right now, so anything that helps tilt the odds in FSU's favor is going to hurt us. I just hope Al is ready to fight dirty against Jimbo. If we do lose kids like Coley over these "package" deals, I hope he keeps tabs on all of it, and uses it to F8ck Jimbo next time he pulls this sh8t, because you have to believe Jimbo is going to cut those "buddies" loose as soon as he can.

If this ends up being the case, HS coaches don't take to kindly to their kids getting treated poorly in college. It would hurt them if your scenario plays out.
Would you take a JAG, many of which we have, if it secures a potential stud? Maybe. I mean, I'd offer a scrub for Collins to come. I'd so the same for a kid like Sammy Watkins or other potential difference-makers. In retrospect, would you guys offer a JAG if it meant securing Duke? Answer: **** yea. I don't think FSU is necessarily erring here.

One kid I can see but 4 or 5 kids? That makes it a staple of your recruiting practices. They will be in trouble the next year they don't have as many ships and those same kids will be looking for 2 for 1 deals.
I think Al should offer a blanky and a ba ba for these kids that want a buddy with them.When did this "offer my friend start"...not very manly,just saying.
Nope, not better than Duke, no way in ****, but can't wait for him to prove it when he suits up for Miami! hehehe

This is literally math

1 Wilder JR
1 Freeman
= 2 established starting RB who will start over Collins. Collins gets washup duty and special plays 1-3 a game

1 Duke
= 1 RB who needs a ****ing legit running back tandem who should be Alex Collins

Do they teach math at South Plantation

Collins would start over both of those backs day one. Just ask him. Kid's better than Duke too.
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i would offer eddie jackson to get Coley.

Jackson also can play db...but i think he, Coley, Cunningham were Broward County's best wideouts this year.
I'll offer the guy and see if his grades are on straight..if not..send his *** to Fork Union...if it will help in landing Coley.

At least Jackson EARNED his offer...dude pulled in Tennessee,a nd others just off his game film. Honestly John Franklin didnt do a **** thing to get an offer...and their trying to bring him in as a db a position he hasnt played or showed any abilities of playing solely on getting Collins.

Coach Richardson needs to lockdown his Lauderdale Hometown QUICK.
Our lack of schollies def hurting us with all three... but i think we end up finishing strong either way.
I'm sure the kid is a stud - but the least of my worries right now is @ WR (a position that So Fla typically reloads in EVERY YEAR)
Anyone who thinks a message board affects recruits needs their head examined.

Furthermore any recruit that changes his mind because of a message board needs to re-examine his own self worth.
