Real Talk--The Sobering Slap of Reality Edition...

We need to stockpile on talent.

I disagree....wait, wut? Lol...of course we do.

I made an obvious point but to me I don't believe next year is our year like everyone has been saying it will be. We need 3 consecutive classes stockpiled wih talent (I.e. this 2014 class through the 2016 class) to be in NC contention.

Last night should be a reminder to everyone of the truth of what you're saying.
We need to stockpile on talent.

I disagree....wait, wut? Lol...of course we do.

I made an obvious point but to me I don't believe next year is our year like everyone has been saying it will be. We need 3 consecutive classes stockpiled wih talent (I.e. this 2014 class through the 2016 class) to be in NC contention.

Last night should be a reminder to everyone of the truth of what you're saying.

The 2012 and 2013 classes will give us a team that will be in that 10-15 talent range, but not elite. That can take us to a BCS bowl game and maybe even win one, but that is best case scenario. Think Clemson from last year, something similar to that. We will not compete for an NC til about 2016, maybe if we catch some breaks in talent evaluations 2015.
Spot on Franchise. VT will be tough. Logan Thomas looks terrible but will somehow rebound against us. With Duke out , no games left on our schedule are a given and unfortunately will be dogfights.

Our second half was ABYSMAL. All facets of the game. 30 has no business playing for UM. 59 and 31 are the epitome of whats wrong with us right now. Its concerning they are still getting so much burn. Coaches are trying to go 11-1 and play it safe squeaking by than by letting Carter, Grace, Burns, etc grow up on the field

You're exactly right. The coaches are trying to play it safe and squeak by with seniors who are very limited athletically but know where to line up.

And Logan Tbomas will chew us up as long as we don't put pressure on him. The times that he makes mistakes are when the opponent hurries him. BC got guys in his face yesterday and made him make quick decisions. That's where he falls apart. I don't know if we're capable of that.
This. It will be popular on these boards this week to poo poo Thomas but I guarantee if we do not put pressure on him he will make us pay. He is a perfectly capable of hitting an open rceiver when he has all day to throw. OTOH, he becomes a pick machine when pressured.
What are the chances we see a shakeup at starting safety spots for VT? I mean, it can only improve right?
Spot on Franchise. VT will be tough. Logan Thomas looks terrible but will somehow rebound against us. With Duke out , no games left on our schedule are a given and unfortunately will be dogfights.

Our second half was ABYSMAL. All facets of the game. 30 has no business playing for UM. 59 and 31 are the epitome of whats wrong with us right now. Its concerning they are still getting so much burn. Coaches are trying to go 11-1 and play it safe squeaking by than by letting Carter, Grace, Burns, etc grow up on the field

You're exactly right. The coaches are trying to play it safe and squeak by with seniors who are very limited athletically but know where to line up.

And Logan Tbomas will chew us up as long as we don't put pressure on him. The times that he makes mistakes are when the opponent hurries him. BC got guys in his face yesterday and made him make quick decisions. That's where he falls apart. I don't know if we're capable of that.
This. It will be popular on these boards this week to poo poo Thomas but I guarantee if we do not put pressure on him he will make us pay. He is a perfectly capable of hitting an open rceiver when he has all day to throw. OTOH, he becomes a pick machine when pressured.

Real simple with Thomas. If we don't get pressure in his face, he will pick us apart just like Renner and Price and Squintston did. Squintston is much better than the other guys, but when we got heat on him he also wasn't great last night. Thomas has had some very good games this year when he's had time to set his feet and throw with no one in his face.

Football's a simple game. Heat up the QB, and you stand a much better chance of stopping him. Let him stand back there and make a sandwich, and he'll likely carve you up. These dudes at this level are all good enough to throw passes against no pass rush.
next year is when we should make a bcs. after that we should be competing for NC's every year, no excuses.
there is no excuse for getting pushed around STILL. Someone in the game day thread made this point but we lack functional strength. Kids at FSU/LSU/Bama have football power: their strength gains don't negatively impact their athleticism.

I agree. I'm not a believer in UTough. Some posters have ripped me for that opinion, here and on other boards. It's a fine program. You can certainly see the results in certain midweight guys whose frames change. But overall it's too much of a crutch. We'll never catch the elite programs if we rely on lifting instead of recruiting naturally big, tough powerful guys.
i think great athletes respond physically. dorset hasnt lost speed. tracy, jenkins, figs, waters, mccord, etc have stayed explosive. the guys who just arent elite talent, dont adjust.
We need to stockpile on talent.

That's what fsu has been doing the past 5 years, and suddenly Jizzbo looks like a genius.

It's not suddenly. Florida State has been allowing only 4 yards per play for three years in a row. That's fantastic. I don't think many fans grasp the burden of that accomplishment. It screams legitimacy. I knew where they were headed as soon as that 4 yards stat showed up and was maintained as legit. Somehow posters on Canes boards were content to ignore it. They'd take any hint of subpar play and announce that it was same old fraudulent Florida State. Meanwhile, late in the Bowden/Andrews era the Seminoles were allowing above 6 yards per play.
i think great athletes respond physically. dorset hasnt lost speed. tracy, jenkins, figs, waters, mccord, etc have stayed explosive. the guys who just arent elite talent, dont adjust.

Exactly. Great athletes when they get bigger and stronger are greater athletes. Soap horses just get stronger. There are plenty of strong slugs walking around local gyms taking pics of their abs for Instagram who couldn't do anything athletic.
We need to stockpile on talent.

That's what fsu has been doing the past 5 years, and suddenly Jizzbo looks like a genius.

It's not suddenly. Florida State has been allowing only 4 yards per play for three years in a row. That's fantastic. I don't think many fans grasp the burden of that accomplishment. It screams legitimacy. I knew where they were headed as soon as that 4 yards stat showed up and was maintained as legit. Somehow posters on Canes boards were content to ignore it. They'd take any hint of subpar play and announce that it was same old fraudulent Florida State. Meanwhile, late in the Bowden/Andrews era the Seminoles were allowing above 6 yards per play.

You can pick an isolated stat like that and try to make it appear that fsu's been a great team as a result. It's what gamblers do; they look at isolated stats. FSU hasn't been an elite team until this year, and they're elite now because of Jemima Squintston and the stockpile of talent meshing at the same time.
I think 2015-2016 is our year for NC. We are breaking in the new QB next season he will have a learning curve. By '15 or 16 we'll be ready.

Though IMO a few ELITE recruits can change a program overnight.
Agree with others 2 more classes til we are back. We are not losing many plus athletes in this graduating class and then the following class is that year lost in the coaching transition from shannon to Golden. After that point with how Golden has recruited I expect us to be stacked but have some concerns that our depth still seems to be really far off at Safety, DT and LB
there is no excuse for getting pushed around STILL. Someone in the game day thread made this point but we lack functional strength. Kids at FSU/LSU/Bama have football power: their strength gains don't negatively impact their athleticism.

I agree. I'm not a believer in UTough. Some posters have ripped me for that opinion, here and on other boards. It's a fine program. You can certainly see the results in certain midweight guys whose frames change. But overall it's too much of a crutch. We'll never catch the elite programs if we rely on lifting instead of recruiting naturally big, tough powerful guys.

But that's exactly what we're doing. We're recruiting bigger.

If you look at the '12, '13, and '14 classes, it's clear what Golden is looking for. There are a few guys like Jermaine Grace who don't fit the mold (but you take a guy like Grace no matter what), but for the most part, we're finding explosive guys with size.
I think most of us are seeing the same things Chise is. I singled out a few things he said that I've found really frustrating. I've placed my comments under his.

--Like I said last week, UM's talent level and speed, especially on D, is below par for the upper crust of college football. 30, 31, and 59 stand out to me as guys who have no business on a top-level team. Every time 30 and 31 are on the field, it seems like something bad happens.

This is just so obvious. From my vantage point, it's not even a matter of effort. We have several guys who play lots of minutes who just aren't at the level we need them to be.

--That was the quintessential Steve Morris performance. Incredible throws followed by mind-numbing decisions. He needed to be perfect last night for us to win, and he wasn't. I didn't expect him to be, though, because we should know who he is by this time.

Steven is who he is: consistently inconsistent. God bless him. I appreciate him playing while injured.

--Although he's tinier than the rest of them, I'd start getting Corn some reps at RB. He at least possesses that wiggle and game-changing potential the others don't.

Corn appears so elusive in the open field in his highlight videos, I really wondered why we didn't allow him to play in the slot just to give us another playmaker on offense. I hope he gets a shot. I do think that our other backs will be ok going forward in part because I think the ACC is so soft. No question we need to load up through recruiting. I know SF has a lot of running back talent every year, but I wouldn't mind having a physically bigger and more mature JUCO back in the next class.

--If I see another situation where we are standing there on offense staring at the sidelines as the play clock dwindles down to 5 seconds then run up to the line in a panic and snap it with 1 second left and the whole offense discombobulated, I will cut a bytch's throat. That sht always blows up in our faces. If you can't check off in a normal way, then just run the fcking play that was called. That chinese fire drill sht is ponderous.

Hard for me to stress how much this ****es me off. First, I think it's really telling that a senior QB even has to do this as opposed to making reads and adjustments himself, and second, I think it is probably one of the best ways to prevent an offense from getting into any sort of offensive rhythm.

--Perryman didn't show up like I thought he would. That was his chance to shine big on a national stage, and he didn't.

I'll give Perryman a bit of a pass because frankly he's the only Cane caliber LB that starts and he's been our best LB to this point. I think Figs, Grace, and Kirby look like they could be really good going forward, but that's another area where we need to add quality depth - one of many.

--Obvious point, but our pass rush is garbage. I can't even call it a rush. It's more like a pass stalemate. The couple times Jemima struggled last night were when we got heat in his face or at least pushed the pocket into him. And you saw what happens when you sell out on the blitz.

I thought this was even more obvious against Wake. I think part of the issue here is that we're not at all disruptive up the middle of our defense. T. Valentine can't get here soon enough.

A Few More Observations - Nothing we don't already know

#I agree with the poster who said that how we play against VT and how we finish out the season should tell us a lot about this team, especially its fortitude.

#I think that it is a concern that we are not getting better as the season progresses. We have certainly gotten much better than last season, but if you look at our play vs. FAU and compare it to Wake (never mind FSU) you don't really see much progress. I think some of that has to do with my final point and some of it has to do with our OC and DC.

#Shapiro's allegations and the entire NCAA fiasco really damaged our program, and it was obvious last night; there is no other way to look at it. Golden pushed a lot of water uphill to get our program to where it is. Reading posts in other threads, I don't think some Canes appreciate just how hard it is to recruit even without that type of debilitating cloud of doubt hanging over your head. Imagine where we would be if Coach Golden hadn't been able to sell say a Tracy Howard or Deon Bush on being Canes.
We need to stockpile on talent.

That's what fsu has been doing the past 5 years, and suddenly Jizzbo looks like a genius.

It's not suddenly. Florida State has been allowing only 4 yards per play for three years in a row. That's fantastic. I don't think many fans grasp the burden of that accomplishment. It screams legitimacy. I knew where they were headed as soon as that 4 yards stat showed up and was maintained as legit. Somehow posters on Canes boards were content to ignore it. They'd take any hint of subpar play and announce that it was same old fraudulent Florida State. Meanwhile, late in the Bowden/Andrews era the Seminoles were allowing above 6 yards per play.

You can pick an isolated stat like that and try to make it appear that fsu's been a great team as a result. It's what gamblers do; they look at isolated stats. FSU hasn't been an elite team until this year, and they're elite now because of Jemima Squintston and the stockpile of talent meshing at the same time.

The FSU D has been legit for a few years now...but, they've gone from good to elite with Winston, for sure. That legit FSU D is also now elite, since those stud 4 and 5 star recruits are maturing. They got elite five star talent with Edwards, Goldman, Jernigan, Walker...even the backups are high end five star or high end four star players...its pretty impressive.
To be at fsu's level, we need couple more real good recruting cycles. Not only that, I am beginning to question our off/def coordinators which I have not done until now. What amazes me is our defense, who couldn't stop fsu on those long 3rd downs. It is going to be a dogfight with VA Tech. If we play FSU in the ACC championship game, we will lose again. We are just not there gents
We need to stockpile on talent.

I disagree....wait, wut? Lol...of course we do.

I made an obvious point but to me I don't believe next year is our year like everyone has been saying it will be. We need 3 consecutive classes stockpiled wih talent (I.e. this 2014 class through the 2016 class) to be in NC contention.

Last night should be a reminder to everyone of the truth of what you're saying.

The 2012 and 2013 classes will give us a team that will be in that 10-15 talent range, but not elite. That can take us to a BCS bowl game and maybe even win one, but that is best case scenario. Think Clemson from last year, something similar to that. We will not compete for an NC til about 2016, maybe if we catch some breaks in talent evaluations 2015.

Robert, I think we're already in the top 15 because I don't think there are that many great teams in college football. It's just a matter of going from that level to the next level where fsu, Alabama and Oregon are that is the tough part. Right now, there are a bunch of teams in the middle level. There are only a few elite teams though, and as long as we're lining up guys like 30, 22, 31, 59, 51 for huge playing time and our current group of decent but unimpactful DTs, we're going to take our lumps from the upper echelon of college football.
I think 2015-2016 is our year for NC. We are breaking in the new QB next season he will have a learning curve. By '15 or 16 we'll be ready.

Though IMO a few ELITE recruits can change a program overnight.

That is especially true at the QB position. Get an elite QB and surround him with other great talent, and suddenly you're an elite team like fsu.