I was at the event. This video is very small sample compared to the amount of reps I saw.
James Cook was the clear cut best RB. His testing was bogus when you compare to how he did when it matters. (Check my rant on how the testing doesn't speak whole truth in the test results thread)
The best LB was Steed, he won the MVP for the position and he deserved it rightfully so. Wilder was a very close second though.
Cowan looked good but I think they predetermined his invite before the event even started. Steed and Wilder performed better though. I've said for the longest and a lot of coaches believe that Cowan future is as a defensive end, frame won't hold weight for OLB unless he's in a 3-4. Cowan is an elite prospect, but he would be better suited focusing on his money position.
Brandon James showed he belonged. James Houston and Diego F'agot were streaky, Houston has potential. F'agot really needs to make the move to a better school with competition, it's only hurting his development. Dunning looked decent, had a few moments but he put on too much mass, hurting mobility. Donovan Georges and Robert Hicks from 2018 worked with LBs a bit during day too, they looked good.