You guys should keep an eye on Kirby possibly bolting. Apparently, that was part of the issue with Davis' decommit. Kirby is apparently looking to bolt and was told UF was full, Davis wasn't too happy. Looks like Davis is headed to Clemson, I don't know about Kirby though.
Well what? I didn't say he was decomitting, I said he was someone to keep an eye on. I even said above where I thought Davis was heading, I never gave a school for Kirby.
Not sure if serious
Originally Posted by
Man some of you guys are sensitive. Kirby never had an offer, the day Weis went to the game was to watch Davis. You think Weis was there to watch a linebacker? Really? LOL. Anyway, I'm not trying to downplay Kirby, I wish we would take him as we need a lot of linebacker help. Just passing along what was said on another board. That's supposedly part of the reason for Davis' decommit.
He and Kirby are apparently planning on attending the same school now. The leaders are Clemson and FSU.
If you're going to try and call me out, at least know what you're talking about. Earlier in the thread I said Clemson and FSU were the new leaders for Davis. I never once said Kirby was decomitting or FSU or Clemson led for him, that was Davis who I stated clearly had Clemson and FSU as his leaders. Davis was also looking into Miami at the time so me saying they were looking to go to the same school didn't exclude Miami, I just said FSU and Clemson led at the time. Secondly, I stated the two were apparently looking to go to the same school based on the fact they were both visiting schools together and one of the reasons Davis decomitted was because UF wouldn't offer Kirby. Another poster even linked the tweet by Davis after he met with UF coaches saying they needed to offer his boy. That was the info I was referencing when I said Kirby was looking around.
But way to peace **** together and then come in here 2 weeks after the fact and gloat as if you're proving something. Feel free to re-read any of my posts and show me where I said Kirby was decomitting. What I commented on was the info. out at the time verified by multiple sources.