2023 RB Mark Fletcher (commits to OSU* & De-Commits)

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I'm drunk, 1/2 price custom gifs for the next 30 mins.
Can we get a Mario face over Rufio from Hook (if easy)?

I do like this confidence. Appears some things have changed internally. Usually you’re closer to the vest until ***** concrete. You seem to be perky lately 🤔
I’ve been confident about him for a week, but too early for the Steph. I know how this stuff can go. We’re definitely in a good spot though
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I’ve been confident about him for a week, but too early for the Steph. I know how this stuff can go. We’re definitely in a good spot.
Speaking of Steph.. we haven’t seen him in awhile. The cryptic stuff is fun too but miss some chef curry. Imo
Saying I was confident with Okunlola and then reiterating it a couple hours before he committed is ” cryptic “?
No I meant the avators. You were openly confident about samson and Bain. No criticism, just miss Steph 😕
Lol huh. So because Mario’s #1 went somewhere else he just listened to someone else. Yeah don’t believe that at all. Maybe someone suggested Gattis but guarantee he vetted him thoroughly and decided he was good enough.

And I’m not even gonna fault Mario. He was the Broyles Award winner coming off a great season. But to act like Mario couldn’t decide for himself and just went with what someone else wanted is hilarious.
Is Candle back in play? LOL
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