RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

So you mixed the Zoloft with the Adderall today

I like your style
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I don't think this is a a good thing. Typically, portal players know where they're going and get locked up within the first or second visit. Look at the Mims saga where we weren't concerned about the mid-week F$U visit prior to our visit.
We good bruh. In Mario we gotta trust if he can’t fix this program we are doomed!
Getting the last visit in the portal is not the same as getting the last visit in recruiting. it has often worked the opposite as teams with the first two shots Try to make sure you never leave without saying yes, cam aside

There is no hard and fast rule, but the evidence so far says you’d rather be first or second for the high priority transfer portal kids
Getting the last visit in the portal is not the same as getting the last visit in recruiting. it has often worked the opposite as teams with the first two shots Try to make sure you never leave without saying yes, cam aside

There is no hard and fast rule, but the evidence so far says you’d rather be first or second for the high priority transfer portal kids
Is that the case though when they have like 4 already planned as well?
I'd bet if they have 4 planned AND announced, they're more likely to take them all...

But yeah I'd agree you get the guy in and if you want him don't let him leave.
However, you can also take into account maybe we do still have another RB target? Could make sense. Get Martinez as the guaranteed upgrade guy already in to visit last. And he probably knows we are the best situation and have best NIL available...
Are there multiple jonathan brooks'? Cause the dude from Texas is bout to be a late 2nd rounder this year.
What you think about one of the PSU RBs?

Out of this list I'd have as realistic targets: 1) Hampton 2) Brooks 3) Martinez
Brooks forced missed tackles like a ************ last year.

I don't see Judkins or Gordon entering. Hughes and Mahdi have biggest NIL bump potential so could be available for sure, but not sure we'd want someone from Texas St vs like a Martinez who is already in portal and more proven at a higher level.

Montrell Johnson would be funny lol.
Am I missing something from this whole conversation? Lmao. Brooks went pro and Judkins is at Ohio State.
This is why, like our forefathers, we set up a system so no man has too much power

@JamesQuall = Police Chief/Commissioner
@PIPO = Supreme Court/Arbitrator/Tiebreaker
@JHallCanes = Detective/Inspector...aka Head ****
@RVACane = Attorney General and acting head of our cyber division in case we need to look into IP addresses
@cway313 = Head Informant...aka supreme snitch
@Felonious Monk = We are still trying to figure out how to best leverage his skillset
me = InternalAffairs/part time deputy during a surge in bad jokes to help out my partner @JamesQuall

@TRick72 You see what your little beaver joke did?
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