Considering where we are right now with the NCAA dangling the Sword of Damocles from a frayed thread suspended imperiously over our exposed throats, I find it stupid to the point of absurdity to think that a player whose former violations help to hoist said impaler in the first place, would be so epically dense that he would, in less than a month from his return to the active roster, commit another offense akin to the first. Searching as I did to find logic in the dense fog of his repeated failure I landed on the familiar ground of poor parental guidance, an admitted hinderance to many aspiring college athletes. Alas, as it turns out I could have ended my journey at its beginning: for there we find our effect, even if the cause - for now - alludes us.
I really feel like he isn't fully at fault we should go hold a rally at his dorm and on the UMcampus as a show of support....
I see what u did there