Ray Lewis article: About using banned deer antler spray

No clue what deer antlers can do but the NFL's ability to ignore things like HGH is hilarious. It is late 90s baseball all over again.

But it's all about the SAFETY!

Sports are self-hating in a way.

It is a constant battle between the suits and the players.

In cycling, its blood doping. In baseball, it was amphetamines and then performance enhancers. In football, it was concussions and violent play (performance enhancing isn't even an issue, so they ignore it).

What made those sports great and lined the pockets of the suits during their peak is what those suits would eventually fight against. In sports, athletes will always find a way to enhance performance...it has been that way since the beginning of professional sports in this country. Whether it was greenies in the gatorade or getting on that horse meat...athletes will find a way to enhance performance. And, its not to make yourself bigger, faster, and stronger...for the most part its to make your performance in Game 17 (or Game 160 in baseball or 80 something in basketball or hockey or stage 20 in the Tour de France) as good as Game 1.

Its not "cheating" as the popular nomenclature would tell you...is it really cheating if EVERYONE does it (and don't be naive...EVERYONE is trying to enhance performance in some way...some with more daring acts than others).

But, once these issues come to the mainstream, the suits gon' suit and they do what they always do, which is, self-hate...

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Ray Lewis is playing Sunday without question. And he will never play again. So this is over and he doesnt have to explain **** to anyone. Good day, sir.
It's not technically HGH.....

HGH metabolizes in the body as IGF-1, and this stuff contains high levels of IGF-1...it does work...I think the fact that Ray Lewis uses it and played in the league for 17 years with hardly and injuries should say something about the product..
It's not technically HGH.....

HGH metabolizes in the body as IGF-1, and this stuff contains high levels of IGF-1...it does work...I think the fact that Ray Lewis uses it and played in the league for 17 years with hardly and injuries should say something about the product..

It's friggin deer antlers. What is wrong with you ppl? Some gullible mfs around here man.

Ok think about it this way. If you buy REAL IGF-1 or HGH, it's gonna come in a vial, in a solution, and you're gonna have to inject it.

You're seriously telling me some natty, dried up old deer antlers are gonna contain legit IGF-1? Even if it does, it's gonna be dead and totally inactive. And youre telling me you can just eat the **** and your stomach acids wont destroy it?

There's a reason hospitals keep the legit **** in a fridge, in a solution, and why it's an injectable.

Ray Lewis is still around because he's a **** of an athlete. It's 100 percent him, zero percent deer antlers.
Heard on the radio today that some people "still have it out for" sugar Ray because of those murders. They think he got away with something and they're trying to "stick it to him".

Only if those he was accused of murdering were white...